Chapter 60

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The Story Of Us
Chapter 60
Emily's POV

Date story took place: 6/28/15
Age: 17

"I've been getting dirty money, Jordan Belfort," Grace and I shouted out for like the 37th time this trip. I reached for the volume knob and turned it up just a few more notches.

"Stacking penny stocks while I'm flipping these birds." We sang along. The windows were rolled down and the warm, salty night air felt good against my skin. My hair flew in every direction as we drove down the streets of Ocean City. Shops and street lights lit up the darkness around us. I pulled into the parking lot of the condos we would be staying at. Gavin's parents owned one of them. I parked right next to Caleb and Gavin.

Since this was going to be our last summer I guess you can say as "kids", our parents decided to let us take a big trip together. I didn't expect them to actually allow us considering how awful we all are together, but after weeks of persuading we finally got their permission as long as we followed their rules. Girls were to sleep in the same hallway, boys in the other and no alcohol was to be seen or touched. Not sure how long we were all going to hold up on those rules, but we all agreed just so we could take this trip.

Summer after this we were all off to college which was scary to think about. I've always waited for the moment to move out of the house, get a job, and start a family. But know that it was around the corner, I didn't want it to happen quite yet. I wanted to enjoy the feeling of being a teenager with no care in the world. You didn't feel that way so much as an adult.

As Caleb and Gavin got out and started grabbing their suitcases, Grace and I stayed in the car and decided finish our lit jam session.

"Let's go!" Gavin dragged out as he hit the side of my car.

Instead of answering them, we continued singing. "Ballin' so hard I only be slam dunkin', beat steady rockin' and the trunk straight thumpin'."

Caleb leaned his head down and in through the car. He smiled at me as I continued to show him my rapping skills which had a improved by a ton since the last time he watched me rap the whole song Lay Up.

I was so caught up in the song and trying to impress him that I didn't see his hand reach over to the ignition and turn the keys.

My mouth dropped. "You asshole." I attempt to hit him. He jumps back away from the car and laughs.

"What the hell." Grace sighs and forces herself out of the car.

I climbed out and walked to the trunk pulling out my suitcase and other belongings.

"God dammit, that was the best I've ever sung that song too." I was still pissed off.

"Emily, no one gives a shit if you're the new Drake. It's 10:30 and I'm tired." Gavin said sarcastically as we walked towards the elevators.

"I hate you so freaking much." I laughed.

We reached the condo and walked in. I searched the walls trying to find the light switch. I found it eventually and flipped the lights on. The condo was larger than I expected it to be. There was a decent size kitchen, a huge dining room next to the living room. Off to one side of the living room was a hallway of rooms and the same thing on the other side. A balcony lied straight ahead of us.

"Damn, Gavin." Grace mumbled as she pushed her way past me and over to the leather couch that circled the living room. I balanced my suitcase against the wall and crossed my arms, shivering. The place was freezing since no on had stayed here for awhile.

Gavin went somewhere in one of the rooms and Grace headed towards the bathroom, leaving Caleb and I alone.

I walked around and found a thermostat in the kitchen and busied myself with trying to get the place warmer. I suddenly felt Caleb's arms snake their way from behind and around my waist. He rested his head in the crook of my neck, his breath hot on my skin.

I smiled to myself as I continued to mess around with the room temperature. He gently placed his lips on the side of my neck making me giggle.

"Stop it," I laughed, tilting my head to the side. But he kept going and going until he reached my cheek and pulled away. I was now facing him, our bodies pulled close together so there wasn't a space between us.

Caleb ran his fingers through my tangled head of hair. 

"Slingshot ride tomorrow?" He smirked.

"Hell no." I laughed, shaking my head at him.

"Emily, you say that every year." He frowns.

"You know I don't like heights, Caleb." I gave him a slight smile.

"But could you do it for me? Just once is all I'm asking. Plus, it's not even that long." Caleb pouted, sticking out his bottom lip.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "I'll think about it."

"Aw, you're too sweet." He smiled and lied is forehead on mine.

"Hmm mhm, sure." I eyed him.

Just as Caleb kissed the top of my nose, the doorbell rung. I jumped back out of his arms and clutch at my heart.

"What the hell?" I said in a pissed off tone. Whoever this was just scared the shit out of me and still is. Who would be ringing our doorbell at 10:30?

Caleb stood there leaning against the counter, arms crossed as if nothing happened.

"Well?" I motioned my arm towards the door.

He laughed and shook his head towards me.

"Hell, if I'm getting the door." Caleb scoffed.

"I'm not either," I threw my hands up. "It's freaking eleven at night and for all I know that could be a freaking drug dealer standing outside that door." I whisper-yelled.

He just shook his head and walked into the living room where he plopped onto the couch.

"Uh," I sighed. I looked towards the door and saw that it had a tiny peephole. Quietly, I tiptoed to the door so that whoever was outside couldn't hear me. I peered through the hole and saw a girl with a curvy figure and dirty blonde hair standing with a suitcase. She had on dark glasses and looked like she knew she was at the right place. She stood there, hands on hips as she waited for someone to answer. Once again, she reached and over and pushed the doorbell causing Grace and Gavin to come into the room.

"I don't know who this is." I mouthed.

Caleb just sat there with a smirk on his face while the other two just watched me. I threw my hands up in the air.

"Forget you guys. Guess you don't give a damn that we could be possibly murdered in the next minute or so.

Once again, I looked through the hole. This time the girl pushed the sunglasses that was lying on the bridge of her nose, to the top of her head.

I gasped suddenly remembering the oh-so familiar face.

"No," I turned to face Caleb as a grin spread across his face.

Looking through the hole one last time, I made sure that my eyes weren't playing tricks on me. Sure enough exactly who I thought it was was standing right outside the door.

"No, no, no." I kept repeating to myself as I fumbled around with the lock. I couldn't believe this was actually happening.

I threw open the door, put my hand over my mouth, and screamed.

Addy jumped back a few feet. "Shit," she held out her hand.

"Oh!" Addy gasped and covered her mouth. "I mean suprise!" She threw up a pair of jazz hands. I ran to her and hugged her so tight that I was practically suffocating her. I hadn't seen her since the cruise but we'd been texting and FaceTiming for three years straight.

"Fam," Addy walked into the doors after our little reunion outside. "This party just get even more lit."

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