Chapter 56

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The Story Of Us
Chapter 56
Emily's POV

Date story took place: 5/2/15
Age: 16

I found myself the next few weeks wearing sweats, t-shirts, and sweatshirts. I didn't have any motivation to put any makeup on or to do my hair. I mean what was the point? It's not like I was trying to impress anybody.

"How about we sit over there?" Grace nodded her head towards an empty table in the middle of the cafeteria, not our usual one.

I turned my head towards our old group and found Gavin and Caleb sitting there. Caleb's elbow was propped on the table, his head resting in his hand. Dark circles were underneath his eyes, just like mine.

I took in a shaky breath and nodded my head.

Grace placed a hand on my back and pushed me to our new temporary table, until we were able to figure things out.

I sat down and stared at the plastic container that held my salad. Moving my head up, I saw the back of Gavin's head. Of course I was sitting in a place with a perfectly good view of the old table. Lucky me.

"So," Grace dragged out. "How were your classes?" Before school had started I told her that I was nervous about my classes. Caleb was in most of them and I wasn't sure how I was suppose to act.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Awkward, I guess. I felt as if I was the smallest person in the room. So I tried not to make notice that I was there."

"Yeah, I'd probably do the same." She nodded.

We were quiet for a moment, letting the chatter of students make up for the silence between us.

"I can't imagine losing someone you love." Grace mumbled after a minute.

"It's definitely not the best feeling, that's for sure." I let out a small laugh.

"Is it an awkward situation between your guys parents?" She asked.

Thank god, it wasn't. Our parents were still good friends and our moms still talked everyday. They know what happened and Caleb's mom wasn't the happiest person about it at all, but they knew to leave some space between Caleb and I for a good while.

"No," I stabbed my fork into my salad.

"I guess that's a good thing." Grace said.

As I nodded, I looked around the cafeteria. I felt like everyone should feel and act different since I did. But they didn't. They were still their normal selves. Something I wish I still was.

My head moved around until it was staring directly at Caleb's. His brown eyes locked on mine, neither of us daring to move. Something about the look in his eyes made me want to cry. It was as if they were begging me to come back. Like some idiot, I started to shake my head no.

I let out a shaky gasp and quickly covered my mouth. My head snapped away from Caleb and to my food again. I still continued to shake my head and my hand was over my mouth.

"I'm sorry Grace," I whispered, afraid that if I spoke loud enough everything would spill out. "I can't do this."

I got up and made my way to the exit. It felt as if the entire room was watching every move I did. My mind was racing and I felt dizzy. Eventually, I ran into someone who just so happened to be Ethan.

He grabbed onto my shoulder and gave me a concerned look.

"Are you okay? You look pale." Ethan asked.

"Don't worry about me." A tear trickled down my cheek. I gave a glance over at Caleb who was still watching me. His face made a painful expression as he turned away from me. "I'll be fine." I adverted my attention back to Ethan.

About seven minutes later, I was sitting on the cold tile floor in the girls restroom, crying my eyes out. I felt like when I left Caleb, I left a part of me with him. I left all the happiness that was left inside of me.

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