Chapter 24

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The Story Of Us
Chapter 24
Emily's POV

Date story took place: 11/6/11
Age: 14

"Riley, Emily, go take this note to the special needs building, please." Miss  Taylor, the school receptionist, called out. Startled, I woke up. Being an office worker first period sucked. Riley took the note from Miss Taylor as I trudged out of the office behind her.

Riley Miles, the most popular girl in school and I had the privilege to be an office worker with her. Please note that I was being absolutely sarcastic.

"Do you even sleep?" Riley asked as we walked the hallways.

"Yeah, but not enough." I mumbled. I spent most of my nights listening to music, thinking about Caleb, watching TV, doing homework, texting Caleb, and thinking about Caleb again.

We delivered the note to the special needs building and headed back to the office for me to go and fall asleep once again.

Before reaching the office door, I felt someone poke me in the side. I jumped up and looked side to side, but there was no one in sight. I turned around and found Caleb walking away. I nodded my head. "Oh, ok." I yelled out.

He turned his head, smirked, then turned a corner.

"Y'all like each other." Riley said, nodding her head.

"What?" I asked, confused. I didn't like admitting to people that I actually liked him.

She rolled her eyes. "You like him, and he likes you. It's so obvious." She continued picking at her nails as we sat back down in the office.

Was it obvious that I liked him? I couldn't stand when people knew who I liked because then everybody would watch every move I did around Caleb. Then they would make stupid comments over simple things I do towards him like asking him about a homework question. 'Ooh! They were so about ready to kiss!' or 'Their hands were literally 3.5 centimeters away from each other'. Yeah, they would probably measure the distance between our hands because they'd be so obsessed.

"Earth to Emily. You in there?" Riley waved a hand in front of my face.

"What?" I asked pushing her hand away from me.

"I asked you a question. Did you not here me?" Her attitude was killing me.

"Obviously not?" I laughed.

She rolled her eyes and let out one of those annoyed sighs. "Well, if you were paying attention I asked if you wore any makeup." She said.

"Makeup?" I sneered. I didn't have time for makeup and besides my mom said I didn't really need it, unless I wanted to wear it. I shook my head at her question.

"You should totally wear it! I was looking at you and realized, you'd catch all the boys, or Caleb, if you wore some." She smirked.

I gave her a strange and confused look. She blew a piece of her thin blond hair out of her face and grabbed her purse. "Follow me." She said.

I glanced at the receptionists. "Now?" I asked.

"Emily, we've only delivered one thing this morning and we have twenty minutes of first period left. Hurry up!" She grabbed the sleeve of my shirt and drug me out the door and into the bathroom.

"Sit." She pointed to the counter as she pulled out every type of makeup product you could think of. It was almost as if she just brought her whole makeup stand to school.

"Ok, let's see." She held up three different colored concealers to my face and squinted her eyes. She mumbled something under her breath and choose the lighter colored one and got to work.

She didn't put very much on me, but when I was finished it looked like everything on the world was on my face, except it looked amazing. I leaned closer to the mirror to examine my face. My eyelashes looked so much thicker and darker, which really made my bright, blue eyes stand out. I had rosy, pink blush applied on my cheeks and there wasn't a blemish on my face you could see. I turned to Riley, who had a satisfied look on her face.

I smiled. "Thank you so much. I look-"

"Unbelievably hot? I know." She finished for me. "Hold on a sec." I watched as she pulled out all the makeup she had used and handed it to me. "Keep it." She nodded her head towards the makeup supplies. "I've got about a thousand more of those things at home." So she must have a way bigger makeup set than I imagined.

I gave her a small hug. "Thank you so much."

We made our way out of the bathroom and into the office again.

"You know, you should sit with us sometime." I knew Riley was referring to her popular table.

My mouth dropped but I quickly put it back up before she noticed. I pondered on the thought for awhile. "Maybe." I smiled.

As I walked through the hallways that day, I felt like a completely different person. And I liked it. People came up to me and complimented me on how I looked. Boys stared, and of course Riley was right. I for sure caught Caleb's attention.

I sent a telepathic message to Riley thanking her as Caleb walked over towards me, gave me a huge grin, and secretly grabbed his hand into mine.

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