Chapter 13

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The Story Of Us
Chapter 13
Emily's POV

Date story took place: 8/02/10
Age: 12

"School starts in less than 2 weeks, you guys." I said to Caleb and Ethan.

We were all lying on the hammock alone outside, me in the middle but on the opposite side of Caleb and Ethan.

The night sky shone brightly above us, giving off enough light to be able to see each other's faces.

"Ugh, don't even get me started." Caleb groaned into his hands.

"Caleb's upset about starting school again because he's going to be the new loser there. I mean just look at him." Caleb punched Ethan in the arm, almost causing the hammock to tip over. Ethan just laughed.

Caleb had recently just gotten braces on and has been complaining so much about how he looks like a dork with them, so Ethan's been taking advantage of Caleb calling himself one and is now making fun of him.

I rolled my eyes at the two of them. "You think Caleb is going to be made fun of? Feel bad for me because everybody is going to think I'm a loser for hanging out with you two." I grinned.

The two started mumbling "whatever"'s and "oh, sure"'s while I lied there and laughed. We all grew silent again and the thought of school clouded our brains.

"I just can't get over the thought that this will be our last year in middle school then it's the big junior high." Ethan broke the quietness. We nodded our heads in agreement. "It's just sorta scary to think about."

I suddenly felt a pair of finger tips brush against the back of my hand. I realized that it was Ethan. Instead of the fingers moving away from my hand, they just stayed there like they thought it was okay to do that. I immediately pulled my hand back and placed it under my head along with my other arm.

"Ethan, let's go!" His mom shouted and then closed the glass door.

He sighed and carefully got off the hammock, careful not to tip us over.

"See ya guys. Bye, Em." He smiled at me, his eyes bright.

"Yeah! Bye Ethan! I'll miss you too!" Caleb said sarcastically while rolling his eyes.

Caleb and I lied still, listening to Ethan take his time walking up the deck. Once we heard the glass door shut, I think we both took a sigh of relief.

"He was making me so uncomfortable. He kept getting closer and closer to me which was freaking me out a bit." I said, switching sides to where I was lying next to Caleb.

"I could've switched spots with you, you know?" Caleb laughed.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Eh, I know."

We both looked up at the millions of stars that shined above us. It was hard to believe that those stars kept going and going on. They were never ending.

I then felt Caleb's hand slowly move by mind, just like Ethan's had minutes ago. His hand hovered over mine for a moment before his fingers started to lace with my own. This time I didn't try to move my hand away. Our hands were locked together but not by accident. Caleb purposely did this. A smile slowly appeared on my face. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught Caleb take a glance at me which made me turn red. He looked away with a satisfied look on his face which made me even happier.

We lied in the hammock, holding hands for what seemed like eternity. I could get use to doing this all the time.

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