Chapter 15

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The Story Of Us
Chapter 15
Emily's POV

Date story took place: 9/28/10
Age: 13

"Homecoming is already in two weeks. Wasn't yesterday just the beginning of school?" I asked.

Caleb, Ethan, and I all sat at our brand new table at the Junior High. It was exciting yet nerve racking at the same time. We now had seven classes, lockers, and more privileges than we ever had before.

They both just stared at me like I hadn't even said anything.

"Hello? Did you guys here me?" I waved my hand in front of their faces.

Caleb spoke up. "I thought you hated the thought of homecoming and stuff like that." He laughed, taking a bite of his sandwich.

"Not always." I replied. "I mean, I wouldn't mind going with someone." I stared down at my food. I was trying to get the hint through Caleb, like hey take me to homecoming because I really like you.

Instead, I got a strange look from Caleb and a hopeful glance from Ethan.

"What?" I asked Caleb. "Can I not be a girl around you? Geez." I laughed.

He just shook his head and smiled.

"I was thinking about asking someone actually." Ethan said. I glanced up at him, to Caleb, then back to my food.

"Who's it going to be?" Caleb asked. "Emily?" He teased and started making kissing noises.

Ethan turned red. "So what if I did?" He asked Caleb.

"Ok, I need to leave." I said sarcastically and gathered my trash and walked to a trash can. Behind me I heard Caleb laughing and heard Ethan talking. "You're such a loudmouth, man. Why don't you just tell her when I'm actually asking her?"

I froze in mid-step. No, no, and no. Ethan is not taking you to homecoming. I didn't want to be more than just friends with him. The more I began to know him better, the more I learned how much of a disgusting, inappropriate kid he actually was.

They fell silent as I awkwardly sat back down and Caleb gave me a face. One that sorta said, "Yo, sorry you're going to have to go homecoming with Ethan" and "I would've asked you but it's too late now." Maybe that last one was me going a little bit too far, but I mean you never know.

The bell rang and we all went to our classes, eventually the day ended. Caleb and Ethan rode home with me since their parents all were too busy and had stuff going on.

When we got home, we all trudged down the hallway to my bedroom where I found a weird note taped to my door. A yellow posted note had the words "Have fun!" with a heart drawn next to it. Below it was a safety pin.

"What is this?" I took the note off the door and looked at Caleb and Ethan. They both had really suspicious looks on their faces which led to me knowing that this was Ethan's way of asking me to homecoming. I suddenly had this weird, awful feeling in my stomach like I could throw up.

I slowly turned around and opened the door to find balloons, perfectly stacked one by one on my bed. I picked one up and saw that there was a sticky note inside of it.

Now I knew why the safety pin was taped to my door. I also knew that I was not about to pop ten balloons just go be asked to homecoming.

"Ok. I can't pop balloons. I just can't." I threw my hands up in the air.

"C'mon Em. You've got to." Ethan laughed and picked up the pin I threw on the bed and handed it to me.

I gave him a look and finally sighed. "Fine."

I turned to the bed and squinted my eyes shut and stabbed the ballon, making it pop. Of course in the first balloon was the letter H.

I continued making my way down through the line of balloons. Caleb obviously thought this was so entertaining, watching me suffer, because he was absolutely dying.

When I reached the end, the letters ended up spelling "HOMECOMING?"

I turned around. "Homecom-" but I stopped in mid-sentence. I found Ethan holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand, my mom standing in the doorway, and Caleb awkwardly standing off to the side.

"So, will you go with me?" He asked shyly.

There was no possible way I could say no.

I nodded my head. "Yes." I gave a little smile. Ethan was grinning as hard as he could. He came over and hugged me while my mom took pictures.

I couldn't help but look at Caleb, who had a sad look on his face. I really think I was going to throw up now.

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