Chapter 29

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The Story Of Us
Chapter 29
Emily's POV

Date story took place: 2/3/12
Age: 14

As soon as the bell rung, all the students rushed out of the building. Except for me and Caleb who just stood back a little.

"I probably didn't make it." I shook my head. Basketball tryouts were last Friday and the results are posted on the gym window. Coach Baker decided to hold tryouts early this year so the newbies could practice some with them during school. Yeah, I don't know. Plus they were only taking three new players so the chances of Caleb and I making it were very slim.

"You were freaking amazing." Caleb said. "You never told me you played basketball." He shoved me.

"Okay, I guess I can ask you the same. Why have you never told me that you played basketball?" I laughed.

Before I knew it we were standing in front of the gym window, except I refused to look so I made Caleb do it.

I anxiously stood, rocking back and forth on my feet with my back towards the sheets.

"Hey, I think you need to look at this." Caleb called out.

"Just tell me!" I pleaded. "I don't want to look."

Caleb grabbed me by the shoulder and pulled me towards the window. In front of me were the two basketball lists. I was staring directly at the boys.

Nathan Fields
Kyle McCoy
Caleb LeBlanc

"Caleb you made it!" I exclaimed.

"That's not important." He rolled his eyes and smiled. He once again grabbed my shoulders and placed me in front of the girls list.

He pointed at 'Emily Matthews' on the list. "That's important."

He wrapped his arms around me from behind, hugging me.

"We did it! We're on the high school basketball team!" I squealed, looking up at him.

He gazed into my blue eyes until I pulled away. I saw Madison sashaying down the hall towards us in her cheer uniform.

"Well?" She asked, placing her hands on his chest.

Caleb smiled towards me. "Yeah, we both made it." I crossed my arms and gave him a shy smile.

"Awe, I'm so proud of you!" Madison stood up on her tiptoes and kissed Caleb. On the lips.

My eyes widened and I suddenly felt super awkward standing there. I shoved my hands into my jeans and tried paying attention to anything but them.

Caleb glanced over at me and pushed Madison away. "Sorry," he mumbled.

Madison gave him a confused look. I guess she finally got the jest that I was still here.

She gave me an annoyed smile. "Congrats on making the team." She told me.

"Thanks," I sighed.

"Alrighty, well I've got to get going. There's a home basketball game going on so I've got to cheer. Wanna stay and watch?" She asked Caleb, holding his hands.

"I can't." He said. "Got things going on."

"Oh," she gave a little pouty face. "Well, I can't wait to start cheering for you next year." She poked his chest and strutted off.

Caleb turned towards back to me. "Sorry," he mumbled and scratched the back of his neck.

"Its fine." I shrugged. "We should probably get going because my mom should be here any second." I suggested and grabbed the straps on my backpack.

"Yeah and we've some exciting news to tell her." He wrapped his arm around me as we walked out to the driveway.

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