Chapter 65

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The Story Of Us
Chapter 65
Emily's POV

Date story took place: 7/3/15
Age: 17

"Let's go," Caleb held is hand out to me.

"About time." I smile and take is hand into mine. I slip my sandals off and throw my sunglasses onto the beach chair I was just lying in.

Caleb leads me down to where Grace and Gavin are already wading in the ocean.

"Why aren't you guys already in?" I ask them.

"Water feels like it's 32 degrees is why." Grace complains as Gavin nods his head.

"You guys are wimps." I call out as I start wading out further into the ocean. I turn around to find Caleb standing next to them.

"What? You cold too?" I roll my eyes.

"Maybe," he smiles.

"You're insane. Speaking of insane, where's Addy?" I call out.

"Bitch, don't call me insane." I hear Addy's voice beside me. Her hair is pulled up into a messy bun.

"Glad to see someone will actually swim with me." I shouted loud enough for the others to hear me.

"Oh, you thought I was going swim like underwater? Hell, no. My hair doesn't do well with fish water plus I wore my expensive shades out here." She pointed at her sunglasses that were over her eyes. "I'm not about to ruin these."

I sighed. "Oh my God. You're just as worse as the others." And with that, I plunged into the "frigid" waters. I stayed under for awhile until I ran out of air.

I came up and smoothed out my hair. I opened my eyes to find Addy shaking her head at me.

"Your hair is ruined." She said with a sigh.

"Oh yeah, sure is." I said with a sarcastic tone.

Suddenly, I felt a pair of arms wrap from behind me. Knowing who it was, I turned around and grinned.

"Nice of you to join us."

He shivered. "Don't ask for me to go underwater."

I took my arm and pushed against the water, making it splash onto Caleb's face. He squeezed his eyes shut and clenched his teeth together.

"Might as well go under now." An innocent smile spread across my face.

"You're a brat," he opened an eye, which was red from the salt water. He tried to hide the smile that was trying to make its way onto his face. He picked me up and flung me into the water. I came up and wiped my face off.

"Seriously?" I laughed but soon started into a coughing fit. I grabbed at my chest as I still continued to giggle. That's when my heart dropped to my stomach. Frantically, I started feeling my chest and my neck for the thing that was so, so important to me.

"Emily, what's wrong?" Caleb made his way to me.

"My E necklace," panic started to rise in my voice. "it's gone."

He waded over to where I was standing. "Hey, calm down. It couldn't have gone far."

"We are in the freaking ocean. For all we know it could already be by Europe." I snapped.

I started running my hands through my hair, my bikini top and bottoms, just to make sure the necklace hadn't fallen off and clung onto me. Nothing.

"What's wrong?" Grace called out from shore.

I was to caught up in looking to answer back.

"Lost her necklace," Caleb shouted.

Gavin nodded his head. "We'll look up here."

"Yeah," Grace added. "where it's not cold."

The water wasn't clear enough for us just to look down and see underneath. Instead, we had to search with our feet. I wasn't too fond of the thought of not seeing what was below me, but dragging my feet against the sand where anything could just come up and bite or pinch you terrified me. Everything I came upon made me jump up or gasp. I'm positive we found everything in that ocean besides my necklace.

After about 20 minutes of searching, Addy swam over to me.

"Hun," she put a hand on my shoulder. "it's going to be impossible to find them."

I rubbed my weary eyes and let out a sigh.

"I can always find you another one, Em. It's nothing to worry about." He joined us and gave me a sympathetic smile.

"It's just not going to be the same." I shook my head and walked back towards shore, everyone trailing behind.

The wind started to pick up making all of us miserable and cold. I reached for my towel and wrapped it around my shivering body. I searched around the area where our stuff lied but still could not find it.

Caleb wrapped an arm around my shoulder as we made our way back to the condo. I had a disappointed look on my face.

"Hey, don't worry so much about it. It'll pop up sooner or later." He said.


"Emily!" I heard Addy call out from her bedroom.

We were all trying to pack up our things since we were leaving early in the morning. I tossed Caleb a shirt of his that was lying on the floor.

"Coming." I shouted.

I entered her room to find dresses, tops, heels, and short denim shorts scattered all over her room. On her bed lied her suitcase along with other small bags she carried along with her.

"Is this by any chance yours?" She asked.

My eyes practically popped out of my head.

"What the hell, Addy." I gasped.

Dangling from her hand was my E necklace. Addy carefully examined it.

"Wait, so this isn't yours?" Confusion appeared on her face.

"Yes, this was what I was looking for on the beach." I reached for the necklace in her hands. I clenched it in my hand tightly, afraid I might lose it again.

"Wait, hold on. You were looking for a necklace on the beach?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Oh my God, yes." I laughed.

"Not earrings, but that necklace?" She asked again.

I rolled my eyes and took a step towards her. I enveloped her in a hug.

"Thank you so much." I said.

Addy hugged back.

"You're welcome, I guess." She gave a small laugh.

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