Chapter 70

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The Story Of Us
Chapter 70
Emily's POV

Date story took place: 10/2/15
Age: 17

I fluttered my eyes open to find the sun making it's way through the shades in my bedroom. I yawned and attempted to stretch my arms out but couldn't due to the fact that someone else's arms were around me. Then it all hit me. Last nights events flooded back into my mind. I thought I was going to throw up. Tears were already filling my eyes.

"Babe," I heard a husk voice come from behind me.

My heart stopped for a moment as I recognized the voice. I whipped my head around and started sobbing at the sight before me.

"Oh, Em." Caleb's voice cracked at the sight of me. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close into him. But something didn't seem right.

"You were gone, Caleb. You were dead!" My voice shook. "But you obviously aren't. Right?" I paused for a moment to catch my breath. His eyes seemed empty. I started laughing. "Why am I asking? You're right here in front of me, clearly alive and well. Those doctors are fucking stupid and don't know what they're talking about." I whispered.

Caleb's hands made their way up to my face where they wiped away my tears. They were cold against my skin.

All he did was lightly shake his head.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

He just sighed and pulled me closer to him, making me cry even more.

"You really are dead aren't you?" My voice was muffled from me lying my head on his shoulder.

Caleb didn't answer making it clear that he really was and that all of this must be a dream. I sobbed for quite a bit after that. My tears soaked the sleeve of his t-shirt and my arms grasped around him not wanting to let go. Eventually, Caleb took his hands and placed them on my shoulders, forcing me away from him.

"Emily, look at me." Caleb gently said. I couldn't bring myself to.

He took his hand and put it underneath my chin, lifting it up. My eyes met his which had tears threatening to spill out but he held them in.

"Trust me when I say everything is going to be okay." He whispers, his hands now back on my shoulders.

"I'm in a better place now. You don't have to worry about me, alright?"

At this point I was gasping for air. I bawled my eyes out for a little bit as Caleb held me in his arms. I was so confused. How could he be dead? None of this made sense.

"I want you to know that you were my everything. You were my world. You were what kept me going every day. I'll never stop loving you, Emily. But do this for me. Please move on. Don't think it's the end of the world because it's not. I want you to go out and find a guy who will treat you like a queen. That guy who finds you is going to be so damn lucky. You deserve the best. I think I was the luckiest guy in the world to be able to call you mine." Caleb chuckled.

"Please, please promise me you'll do that, Em." Caleb studied my face.

I was biting my lip so hard that I was starting to taste blood. It took me everything just to nod my head.

He smiled down at me and let a single tear slip down his cheek. Caleb slowly leaned down towards me.

"I love you." Caleb's lips brushed against my ear.

"I love you even more."

I felt Caleb's lips touch my forehead and that's when I really opened my eyes up. I jolted up from where I was lying and found my parents on each side of me on the couch at my house. I glanced at the window and could tell that it was morning.

A night already passed without Caleb.

"Mom, Dad," I cried out and bursted into yet another set of tears. My knees slowly rose up so I could bury my face in them. I wanted to disappear. I wanted the bad, all of this to just go away and for things to be normal again.

"It's okay, Em. We're here for you." My dad stroked my hair.

"Baby," Mom's voice shook. Her arms wrapped around me.

"Why is he gone?" I asked. "Why did he have to leave?" I yelled this time.

Both my parents were silent for awhile, unsure of an answer. Nobody was quite sure why Caleb passed at such a young age.

"Well," my mother started. "God has a plan for everyone and everyone's is different. There is a reason behind God's plan for us but nobody quite knows why he does the things he does. God planned for Caleb to leave early. That's what he wanted and we have to accept that. He's up there in Heaven now, Emily." She wiped a tear off her cheek. "Caleb's home." Her voice cracked at the last words she said. She broke down and started crying.

For quite awhile we all just sat there on that couch crying, sobbing, sniffling, and pondering over the thought why God would take him from us now.

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