Chapter 67

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The Story Of Us
Chapter 67
Emily's POV

Date story took place: 8/30/15
Age: 17

I turned the dial on my locker first to the right, left, then back to the right. Pushing the handle open, my locker swung open revealing all of my binders and books. I shoved and pushed them all either into my bag or back in my locker where they belonged.

You'd think senior year would be more laid back, but boy, was I wrong. Even though my schedule only had five classes each day instead of seven I was still doing hundreds of pages of homework each night.

I averted my attention to the door of my locker where I had tapped pictures up. My locker was like a collage. There were pictures of Addy and I at the beach or old, old pictures from us on the cruise. Random selfies with Grace and a few with just Gavin and I were scattered around. But when you glanced at them for just a second you'll mostly find pictures of me and Caleb. I reached up and rearranged a crooked photo of Caleb and I. My dad found us both on the couch knocked out after a day on the lake. My sunburnt face was nestled on his chest and one of his arms was draped around me. I gave a small smile as I placed my arm back down to my side. Before shutting my locker, I gave a quick glance at my mirror. The smile on my face dropped as soon as I saw how dry my lips were. Yeah, dry lips in August make complete sense. I know.

As I fumbled around trying to find the Chapstick I kept in my backpack,  I saw a figure come up behind me.

"Emily," Landon, one of Caleb's best friends, leaned up against the locker next to mine.

"Landon," I looked over at him as soon as I found the Chapstick.

"I, well," he began. Caleb suddenly appeared behind him and gave me a smile, "and Caleb sorta need something from you."

"And what on Earth could that possibly be?" I asked as I covered my lips with Chapstick. Once finished, I threw the Chapstick back in my bag and closed my locker.

Landon pointed at Caleb. "We hate to be an inconvenience but Caleb and I really need your social studies homework. You see we didn't take the time to do it last night and we are in deep shit if we don't turn it in." Caleb nodded along with every word Landon said.

I rolled my eyes at them and rummaged through my backpack, once again, but this time for social studies homework.

"Caleb? Being an inconvenience? I can't see that at all." I teased as I handed them the paper. Landon gratefully pulled it out of my hands.

"And what's that suppose to mean?" Caleb asked me.

"I don't know. You're just never really a pain in the ass." I shrugged my shoulders and forced myself not to smile.

"Who?" Gavin suddenly barged in and joined us. "Are we talking about Caleb?"

I snorted while Landon chuckled.

"What the hell? Are you serious? I can be an inconvenience if I want to be." Caleb looked a little frustrated which made him turn a little red in the face.

"Prove it then." I challenged him as we began walking.


As we walked, Caleb tried thinking of something he could possibly do to make himself an inconvenience. Landon and Gavin silently trailed behind.

"Okay," Caleb finally spoke out and stopped. "You know how you just put on lipstick."

"Chapstick," I corrected him. "but yeah. Keep going."

Without warning, Caleb gently pushed me against the lockers and locked his lips on mine purposely making sure to get every inch of Chapstick off.

"Damn, Caleb." Landon said behind us as Gavin whistled.

Slightly embarrassed since I forgot they were watching us, I placed my hand on Caleb's cheek and managed to guide his lips away from my own.

"Now," he said out of breath and put a smile on his face. "you have to put another layer on."

His face was still close to mine, our noses barely touching. I let out a small laugh and rolled my eyes.

"You're such a badass." I sarcastically said.

"And you didn't believe me." He bit his lip and locked his eyes with mine.

Damn, he was hot when he did that. Just for that, I gave him one last kiss.

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