Chapter 19

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The Story Of Us
Chapter 19
Emily's POV

Date story took place: 10/12/10
Age: 13

The gymnasium was packed and dark. The only lights were coming up from the stage. It must've been around one hundred degrees in that place.

"I say let's ditch." I yelled over the loud music.

"I say we don't because I don't want to die tonight." He replied.

"Good thought!" I pointed out. Caleb laughed.

We all just stood in front of the entrance for awhile, not sure of what to do. Then I spotted food and made a beeline for it. I was dying of thirst.

I could hear someone trudging behind me, but I wasn't sure on who it was.

I spotted the drinks at a table near by and headed for it, but Ethan already beat me to it. He held out a cup in his hand and offered it to me.

"Thanks." I grabbed the cup in my hands and took a sip.

"You know, you look really hot tonight." I heard Ethan. I choked on my drink and spit it into my cup.

He sat his drink down at the table next to him. "Oh my gosh. Are you okay?" He asked, placing a hand on my lower back.

I nodded my head. "Fine." I coughed, holding onto my chest.

"Okay." He said and slowly his hand moved down lower and lower. Before his hand was able to touch a certain area he wasn't about ready to touch, I grabbed it and looked into  his eyes.

"You wanna dance?" I asked a random question.

"Uh, I guess?" He looked down at our hands that were still together.

"Great, let's go." I drug him onto the dance floor. We sorta just stood there, barely moving. Then I spotted Caleb and Madison still standing by the entrance. Caleb and I caught each other's gaze and held it for awhile before Madison interrupted us. I sighed and turned back to Ethan.

"Are you okay?" He asked me, looking in the direction where Caleb was at.

"Yeah, why?" I lied, turning in front of him so he wouldn't see Caleb.

"You keep getting caught of guard." He said confused.

"Oh, I don't know. Just seeing if I see anybody I know." I smiled and turned back to where Caleb was except he was gone.

Ethan and I danced for another few songs until Madison finally came out with Caleb.

I tried not to stare at them but it was hard not to when the love of your life was laughing and smiling at everything another girl did.

The music suddenly took a dramatic turn from loud songs to slow ones.

Everybody, including Caleb and Madison, started wrapping their arms around each other and slow dancing. It's funny how they acted so shy around everybody at the house, but here it was like no big deal.

"Now, would you actually like to dance?" Ethan asked, holding out his hand.

"Sure." I giggled. Honestly, I've never slow danced with a guy before, or just at all so I had no idea what I was doing.

Ethan wrapped his arms around my waist as I placed my hands on his shoulders. We stepped back and forth to the music just like everybody else.

Since Ethan's back was turned toward Caleb, I decided to take a glance. Caleb's arms were gently rested around Madison's waist while her arms were locked around his neck. They both were smiling at each other and laughing, dancing with the music. Their faces inches apart.

I could feel Ethan's hands getting lower again so I pushed his arms back where they were before, still watching Caleb.

I could've been the one dancing with Caleb. His arms could've been wrapped around me, his face inches from mine. Instead I had Ethan who kept trying to grab my butt.

I was falling so hard for Caleb and he didn't even realize. Tears started to form in my eyes, threatening to spill everywhere.

That's when Caleb looked up from Madison and stared at me. We just looked into each other's eyes for what seemed like forever until I lost it. I couldn't take watching them.

"Hey, I'll be right back. I need to use the restroom." I said in a shaky voice and walked off.

"Em, wait!" I heard Ethan, but he didn't come chasing after me. He just stood there.

I walked as fast as I could out of there, not glancing back to see if anyone was following me. One by one, the tears started coming out. I pushed through the metal doors out of the school. While walking to a bench, I started to take my heels off. My feet were aching from standing in them for so long. I plopped down onto the bench and buried my hands in my face, crying. I took deep, shaky breaths.

I then heard the doors open and close and the sound of footsteps drawing near. Expecting Ethan to come sit down next to me, it turned out to be Caleb.

"Em, what's wrong? Talk to me." He asked in a worried tone. He placed his hands on my shoulders and lifted me up to where my face was staring right at his.

I couldn't control my crying. My breaths turned into gasps. I tried talking but it was impossible.

"Oh, Em stop. Please, ssh." His hand started wiping all the tears away and I slowly started to begin to quit.

"Talk to me." He said. There was a long silence between us but then I broke it.

"I like you. Actually, I like you a lot." I corrected myself. At this point, I didn't care what Caleb thought of me. I was sick of having all these feelings bottled up inside of me. "Watching you dance with Madison was absolutely killing me. I know this sounds childish and stuff, but yeah, I'm jealous. Big time. I could keep going on but I'm going to just stop there. I'm sorry, Caleb." I began to get up until Caleb stopped me and grabbed my hand.

"Emily, I-" he began, but was interrupted.

"There you are! Are you okay?" Ethan asked, rushing to me. Caleb and I dropped hands. "What's wrong?" He asked looking between Caleb and I.

"Nothing." I said while wiping a tear away. "I was just feeling a little sick so I decided to come out and get fresh air." I nodded towards Caleb. "He followed me."

Caleb had a sad sorta look on his face and just stared at me. Madison then came out, wondering why Caleb had disappeared. I explained once more to them why.

"I'm fine now." I lied. "Now, let's all go back in and do what we were doing before all this happened."

I grabbed my heels and walked back towards the school, the three of them just standing there, watching me.

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