Chapter 38

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The Story Of Us
Chapter 38
Emily's POV

Date story took place: 8/25/12

First day of high school and I was struggling to open my locker. I had cleared the lock out about a thousand times and restarted over again but never seemed to get it.

"I swear to God, if this doesn't open." I mumbled. I pushed the little handle up and my locker swung open.

"About time," I gave a sigh of relief. I was about to start throwing books in when someone slammed it shut again.

I stared ahead, fuming. I knew exactly who it was just by glancing at the hand that flew right in front of my face.

"What do you want?" I turned towards Madison, swinging my heavy book bag over my shoulder.

She was leaning against the locker next to mine, flattening her skirt that almost showed her entire butt.

"I know you had feelings for him while we were dating." She referred to Caleb.

I rolled my eyes. "And?" I asked.

"I know you were trying to steal him away from me." She narrowed her eyes.

"Let me remind you that I was dating someone else at the time." I placed a strand of hair behind my ear and started walking off. I could hear her heels clicking behind me, trying to catch up with my stride.

"We all know you didn't like Ethan, Emily. You were just dating him so you could get Caleb's attention and steal him from me." She spat.

I stopped in my tracks in a crowd of students. "Okay, if you think I was dating Ethan just to get Caleb's "attention"," I made quotation marks with my fingers. "then why are you interrogating me?" I asked.

"Because I'm going to make your life a total nightmare just like you did to mine." She pointed her perfectly manicured finger in my face, but then slowly lowered it. I felt a hand firmly grip my shoulder and looked up to find Caleb standing behind me.

Madison glanced at Caleb then back to me and let out a sigh.

"Well, I can't wait to see your plan on ruining my life." I said in a preppy voice. I reached down for Caleb's hand, took it, then smiled up at him.

"See ya around, Madison!" I smiled just to piss her off.

I turned around and dragged Caleb behind me. While walking, I glanced back at Madison who was in the same exact spot. Her eyes were practically shoot daggers at the back of my head. I gave a small wave and smirked.

"Is there something you need to tell me?" Caleb asked in a worried tone.

I wiped off the fake smile on my face and groaned. "Nope."

"You just said she had a plan on ruining your life." He said.

"Yeah, I know." I looked at him and nodded my head.

"Emily." He sounded upset.

"Please don't worry about this," I sighed and gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. "Trust me, I'm not afraid of her. She's just another ruthless bitch that roams these hallways."

"Promise me you'll come to me if she does something to you?" He asks, stopping a few feet away from his first period class.

I smiled up at him. "I promise."

I stood on my tiptoes and gave him a little kiss on the cheek, making sure no one was watching.

Sucky part about high school? There are teachers out in the hallways watching everything you do with their beady little eyes. So far I'm not a big fan of this whole high school thing.

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