Chapter 48

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The Story Of Us
Chapter 48
Emily's POV

Date story took place: 1/7/13
Age: 15

Every year, Caleb and I's youth group at church always held like a donating thing where people from our congregation or anybody in this case could stop by the church and donate old clothes or toys for kids in poverty. It always turns out to be a huge success and hundreds of people come to drop things off. It's probably the best act of kindness I do every year, to be honest. Caleb was working a few tables down across from mine.

"Here's a new box." Someone sat in front of me. I scratched the back of my head and sighed. I'd done at least five boxes of clothes already and was getting pretty sick of it.

I sat myself up on the plastic table, taking a short little break. Familiar faces and strangers walked by carrying toys,clothes, and canned foods to different stations to be separated in.

"Don't be waisting time, Emily. I've already got another box coming to you." Caleb called out from behind his table. I snapped my head towards and saw the grin that was plastered on his face.

Rolling my eyes, I lifted the flaps of the cardboard box open and began sorting the various sizes of clothing. I got so caught up in all of this that I didn't even realize who was standing right in front of me. I had to take a double-take to make sure I was seeing correctly.

"Sydney?" I asked, laughing.

"Emily?" She mocked me while smiling.

"Oh my gosh, it's been so long." I glanced around to make sure no one was watching me and then swung my legs over the table so that I was standing next to her.

I gave her a quick hug. "Did you guys come down to visit family or something?" I asked.

Sydney shrugged her shoulders. "Yeah, I guess. We just needed a break from New York really." She giggled.

I nodded my head. "Honestly, I think the last time we saw each other we were like seven. You've literally changed so much. In a good way." I added.

Sydney just grinned. "For real and so have you. I've missed you guys so, so much." I noticed that she kept staring at my necklace.  "I like your necklace, by the way." She picked up my E necklace that was resting against my basketball sweatshirt and flipped over and over.

"Thanks. Caleb got it for me." I smiled at the thought of time he gave it to me as a Christmas gift.

She nodded her head. "Y'all are absolutely adorable. I'm not surprise you two started dating. You two are so close."

I just gave her a smile and she continued.

She opened her mouth to say something, closed it, and then found the right words to say. "It's so easy to fall in love with him, you know?" Sydney fumbled around with her hands as I gave her a confused look. I wasn't expecting her to tell me that she had feelings for Caleb. I was okay with it though. I knew Sydney would never try to like take him away from me, unlike Madison. It was silent between us for a few moments.

"C'mon, Syd. You can't tell me that there aren't any hot guys up there in New York." I teased around.

She have a small laugh and just shrugged, glancing over at Caleb. I guess she was trying to tell me no.

"You're really lucky to have guy like Caleb." She looked up at me.

I turned my head to get a good look at him and as if on cue, he looked in my direction. He gave me a grin and I returned a small smile. Eventually, he averted his attention back to Luke and I with Sydney.

And in that very moment I realized how lucky I really was to have him. I'd never really thought about it for a good, long while until now. There aren't many guys out there who will treat you right just like Caleb does. He actually cares for you, can make you die laughing, worries about you, texts you every morning and night, and when he says I love you, he really means it. Some people just spit those three words out without actually thinking of how powerful those words are. But, Caleb knows. You can tell by the way he says it, that he really means what he's saying.

All those times when Caleb worried about me and Madison, I just thought it was plain annoying. I wanted my business with Madison to be private. Now I realize that he was looking out after me. Just another way he shows his love for me.

"Yeah," I smiled. "I really am." I replied.


Caleb and I placed yet another box into the back of the truck that would be delivering everything to the charity it was headed towards.

"My mom texted and said she was taking you home or something." Caleb stared down at his phone as we went around the side of the truck where there was no one around.

My mind was still filled with the conversation I had with Sydney, making me feel bubbly inside.

Before my mind could control my body, I found my lips pressed against Caleb's. My hands were grasping at the sweatshirt he had on. At first, I could tell Caleb was surprised, but he finally decided to kiss me back.

I pulled away and lied my head on his chest as his hold on me tightened.

"Thank you," I whispered. "For everything."

Caleb leaned down and kissed the top of my brunette head.

"No," he shook his head. "Thank you for being my everything."

My heart was pounding and the smile that was already on my face, grew wider and wider.

Once again, I placed my hands on the side of his face and kissed him, long and hard.

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