Chapter 49

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The Story Of Us
Chapter 49
Emily's POV

Date story took place: 3/23/13
Age: 15

"Oh my God," I started to choke on my Coke. I sat down my phone and leaned back into the chair. Caleb, Grace, and Gavin all gave me confused looks.

"Are you okay?" Caleb placed his hand on my lower back.

At this point I was laughing and having a coughing fit. I grabbed at my chest and nodded my head once I was finished.

"That burns," I shook my head and picked up my phone.

"What the hell was that all about?" Grace laughed as she stabbed her fork around in her salad.

"Look," I coughed again, handing her my phone.

Now you're probably wondering who possibly Grace and Gavin are. Caleb and I aren't the loners you actually think we are. We have a pretty decent amount of friends, which includes Grace and Gavin. Yeah, they sound like they're siblings or something but they aren't. They almost look as if they could be twins. The two are actually dating, believe it or not.

"Holy shit," Grace said, her mouth full of salad. Once the words came out of her mouth she quickly placed a hand over it. We were in the food court of the mall which had families and little children buzzing around.

She passed the phone over to Gavin who gave a small chuckle and shook his head.

"Damn, that's probably the best thing I've seen yet."

"What?" Caleb looked over at me, his eyebrows arched.

"You're going to die when you see this." I warned him as the phone was handed to him.

It took him awhile for him to realize what the picture was.

"Wait, is this real?" He asked in shock, looking up to me and then back down at the phone.

"Do you think I would make up something like this?" I asked.

I took my phone out of his grip and shook it in front of his face.

"It's official!" I imitated Madison's squeaky voice. Ethan and Madison were now dating. Was I surprised? Hell no. They're both bitches so I think they're perfect for each other.

Caleb threw his head back, laughing. I lied my head on his shoulder and held onto my stomach. I was laughing so hard that I could barely breathe.

"My two favorite people together." I held up the phone so Caleb and I were both able to see the Instagram photo again. That just sent us roaring with laughter again.

"Awe, I'm glad you consider us your favorite people." I heard the oh-so familiar voice behind me.

I felt everyone's eyes on me as I let out sigh, blowing little strands of hair out of my face.

"How is she always behind me when I talk shit about her?" I whispered to Caleb, as I took myself off of his shoulder.

"I'm still here." Madison spat. I cringed and slowly turned to face her.

"Hey, congrats on you and Ethan. I'm happy for you two." I smile. I wasn't trying to be sarcastic or anything. I was sick of being on Madison's bad side and always trash talking each other.

"Thanks, I guess." She seemed confused.

I gave a small shrug and nodded my head.

Madison glanced around the table at all of us.

"Grace, Gavin," she paused before moving on to Caleb. "Caleb." She whispered.

The other two said there hellos while Caleb just gave a small smile and went blank faced again. Everyone fell silent leaving an awkward silence between us all.

"So," I started to change the subject. I needed to stay friendly. "Ethan around?"

"Yeah, somewhere around here." She flung her arms up in the air, making all the shopping bags on her arms make a crinkling sound.

"Are you not shopping?" She asked me.

I shook my head. "I just came here to hang out with friends. Why?"

"Eh, you might need a new wardrobe." She snorted, crossing her arms.

"Listen, that was uncalled for, Madison." Caleb said.

"Yeah," Gavin agreed.

I just sat there and laughed. I wasn't surprised a bit that she was saying this. She was just being her typical self.

I looked at her bags and noticed that half of them were from Victoria's Secret.

"Victoria's Secret?" I questioned.

"Yeah. What about it." She scoffed and looked down at them.

"Oh nothing, I just," I began. I looked her up and down. "Didn't think you could actually wear anything from there."

Her mouth dropped open as she started to laugh.

"Oh, okay." Madison took a step forward and shoved a finger in my face. "For your information, I actually have-"

"Okay," Caleb cut her off before she could protest.

I stood up and looked her square in the eye. "Madison, I could roast you over so, so, so many things right now but I'm not going to. I'm sick of playing this name calling, bad talking game that fifth graders play. So what I'm going to do is apologize and walk away from this like an adult."

She rolled her eyes at me but I ignored it.

"I'm sorry for all the things I've said about you. I really do hope that one day, all this crap that's happening between us now will just suddenly stop and we can become friends." By the look on her face I could tell I was killing her which was what I wanted.

We both stared at each other for awhile, waiting for someone to make a move.

"Well, I'll see you around Madison." I grinned. That signaled for everyone to stand up and push in their chairs. As we walked off, I glanced back and saw Madison still glaring at us.

Caleb placed an arm around my shoulder and smiled.

"You handled that better than I expected." He chuckled as he squeezed my shoulder.

"It so needed to be done." I let out a long tiresome laugh.

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