Chapter 62

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The Story Of Us
Chapter 62
Emily's POV

Date story took place: 6/29/15
Age: 17

"I changed my mind. I can't do this." I started to sit up and get out of my seat but Caleb pushed me back and pulled the shoulder harness down. Now, I had no choice but to go on this stupid thing.

"Caleb," I gasped. I tightened my grip on the shoulder harness, pissed off.

"It's not that bad, I swear." He reached for my hand but I jerked it away.

"Wow," Caleb laughed. "Salty much?"

"Shut up," I snapped. But my angry mood only made him laugh even more.

The guy working the sling shot ride closed the door and turned his back towards us and to the control panel thing.

"Sir, I really need to get off this thing before I have a freaking panic attack." I said in an annoyed tone. He gave me a concerned glance.

"She's not going to have a panic attack." Caleb blurted out.

"Oh okay. Please explain to me how the hell you would know that?" I asked.

"Well let me see, I've only known you for almost 17 years now and not once have you ever gotten a panic attack." A small smile was visible on his face.

"You think this is funny, don't you?" The ride started to move up a little but I didn't seem to notice. I was to caught up in the "heated" argument Caleb and I were having.

"Just a little." He chuckled. The wind blew is hair into his face, making him look absolutely adorable. I turned my head in the other direction to keep him from seeing the smile that started to form.

Caleb lifted his hand and tried to poke me on my cheek, but I leaned my head.

"Caleb, don't you dare touch me." I threatened.

But he did anyway.

Caleb poked his finger into my side, making me squirm around in my seat.

"Stop-" before I could finish my sentence, the ride shot upwards, flinging us high in the air.

I was so shocked and scared at the same time that I didn't have enough time to scream. I just squeezed my eyes shut and clenched onto the shoulder harness for dear life. I felt us spin around as we went up and down a few more times.

In that amount of time, I had blocked out the entire world and had said a prayer, asking for today to not be my last.

As I felt the ride slow down, I opened my eyes. Hair covered every inch of my face. I inhaled and blew it away. Now I could see the boardwalk again.

Grace and Gavin were over in the sand messing around while Addy was jumping about and down on the boardwalk. Guys who walked pass her made sure to get a good look at her ass since it was practically hanging out of her shorts. Her long blonde hair flew around her head as she gave me two thumbs up. Addy knew I didn't want to do this in the first place, so she was trying to piss me off even more.

I rolled my eyes and gave her the finger.

Addy suddenly stopped jumping and waving. She shooed me off and walked over towards Grace.

Once the guy opened the door and let us out, I immediately jumped out which wasn't the smartest decision considering I had just been flipped hundred times in the air.

My hand quickly flew to my stomach as I stopped in my tracks. I hadn't even made it three feet away from the ride and I was about ready to throw up everywhere.

Just by the way I was acting, Caleb knew exactly what was going on.

"C'mon." He took me by the hand and rushed me to the nearest trash can where I threw up. Caleb bunched up my hair and rubbed the middle of my back. My head was spinning which made me feel even more sicker.

After finishing, I stood there hovering over the trash can.

"You okay?" Caleb asked with a concerned look on his face.

I started laughing. I laughed so hard that I'm pretty sure everyone around us thought I was psycho.

Caleb wasn't sure what to do. He gave me a strange glance, raised his eyebrows, and cracked a small smile.

Still laughing, I looked up at him. I raised my right arm and stuck my finger in his chest.

"Never, ever," I exaggerated. "Ask me to go on that ride again." Then I smiled.

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