Chapter 63

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The Story Of Us
Chapter 63
Emily's POV

Date story took place: 6/30/15
Age: 17

"Isn't this great?" Addy asked.

"Yeah, unless you're me." Grace sighed.

I squinted one eye open and saw Grace squirming around next to me in her beach chair.

"I can't tan to save my freaking life. Instead I burn to a crisp." She mumbles. For the thousandth time, Grace stands up and storms her way down to the ocean where she splashes herself with water to cool herself down.

"Damn," Addy said. "I've got a perfect view."

I flipped myself over and saw a group of guys staring at us. Addy smiled and gave them a tiny wave.

I rolled my eyes and lied back down on my stomach.

Addy tapped my shoulder.

"Em, come talk to them with me."

"I should probably stay here." I kept my eyes closed and my head turned from her.

"Do you not see how hot they are?" She gasped. "They're staring at us."

I sat up, facing her and pushed my sunglasses up to the top of my head so she could see my face.

"Did you totally forget I have a boyfriend?"

She sighed. "Fine. Then I'll go by myself." Addy ran her hand through her hair, made sure to grab her phone, and walked towards the three guys who had already started making their way towards us.

I stayed sitting up, watching Addy flirt with them. She was definitely good at. They were close enough for me to hear their conversation.

I kept noticing one of the dudes eyes flickering towards me. I didn't really think much of it, until he winked at me. Immediately, I pulled my sunglasses back down over my eyes and lied back down. I reached for my phone that was lying on the towel next to me and texted Caleb to hurry up and get down here.

"Who's Addy talking to now?" Grace walked up, her brows furrowed.

I just shrugged my shoulders. I watched as she lathered sunscreen all over her pale skin. She kept putting on layers and layers of the sticky stuff that I couldn't help but laugh a little.

"That dude over there is hardcore staring at you, Em." Grace gave a tiny nod to guy.

"Yeah, and it's making me feel super uncomfortable." I replied.

I don't know what was taking Caleb and Gavin so long to get down here. I started to get a little impatient and even nervous from that guy that could not stop looking at me. I inhaled a deep breath of the salty air, and slowly exhaled. No worries, just don't think about it.

"Hey," I heard an unfamiliar voice speak out awhile later.

I opened my eyes but didn't dare move, knowing it was probably that one guy.

"Shit," I whispered to myself. I didn't know what to do with myself. Even with my eyes closed, I could feel everyone's glances on the stranger and on me.

"Who's your hot friend over there?" He pretended as if he was actually asking Addy the question but purposely yelled it loud enough so I could hear. His friends started snickering. My cheeks turned a bright red. I awkwardly just lied on my chair as if nothing was said towards me. If only Caleb was down here to listen to this crap.

"Her hot friend is actually my girlfriend."

And there he was. I cringed, and squinted my eyes open to see Caleb beside me and the guy's shocked look on his face.

"Listen, man, I'm sorry. I had no idea-" The stranger began.

"Just back off." Caleb said calmly.

And with that the guys left, leaving Addy in a pissed off mood.

"What the hell, Caleb." Addy walked back over to us, kicking up sand.

He gave her a look that told her everything she needed to know.

"Hey," she casually laughed. "chill out. It's just a joke."

Caleb looked away from her. Addy gave him a dirty glare then smiled towards me.

"Addysen just found herself a guy," she flipped her wavy hair behind her shoulder and proudly held out her phone, showing me the new contact she just created.

"Emily has had a guy for quite awhile now." I grinned and dramatically flipped my hair just like Addy had. I stood up so that we were now eye level to each other.

"Well, Emily can shut the hell up." Addy snapped.

I just laughed. "Hey, chill out. It's just a joke." I mimicked her.

She narrowed her eyes at me and glared. "Now I finally understand why we're friends. We're both sarcastic assholes." Addy shook her head and sat down on her chair.

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