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Harry POV

The next day, I've been reminded that I have to make appearance at a foster place. It isn't a home, but a place where kids in the foster system go to for help or relax. They either do school work, play games, etc.

I appear once a year and donate money. The amount of money I donate, I practically own the place. And this is my day to appear for the year.

Liam is with me as well. He likes to come with me to this every year. He likes to flirt with some lady, Sophia. I think they sleep together or something.

We arrive to the place. It looks more clean and modern. Thank god, before it looked like a prison.

Liam walks next to me and we step through the automatic doors. The room looks fairly larger. There is more open space and more things to do. As what I said, it looks more modern and clean.

"Good evening Mr. Styles." The head women of the place introduces.

"You re did the place I see." I glance around the place that is filled with a bunch of young kids to teens.

"Yes, we, uh made it more comfortable looking for the kids." Brandy--or Brenda says. Either way, I don't really care about her name.

"That's great." I say with a slight smile.

"We, changed it up here so it's totally new. I'll have someone show you around." She speaks quickly. Before I know it another girl appears.

"Mr. Styles and Mr. Payne this is Eve. Eve will be showing you around." The lady with the name with B says. I stare at Eve.

This girl again?

Her outfit is different. She's wearing those ripped jeans and those dirty shoes. Her shirt is the cleanest thing on her body. It's a beige sweater that looks light. I still don't understand why she dresses like she's doing chores or running errands.

Brenda--or whatever leaves and Eve speaks. "Um the room we are in now is the lounge area. It's mostly where the teenagers hangout." Eve speaks. The way Eve dresses reminds me of a teenager, not an adult. Her voice is soft but high so we can hear. She begins to walk away and Liam and and I follow.

"This is where the younger kids hangout at." She opens the door and we see a bunch of little kids. They all seem busy; coloring, watching TV, playing board games, etc.

Eve is greeted with a little boy who is below her knees. He has dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. "Evie!" He holds onto her leg. She smiles down at the boy.

"Jimmy this is the men that help out here. This is Mr. Payne and Mr. Styles." Eve speaks. Liam greets the little boy as I just smiled hello.

After a while we make our way to the tutoring center. "If you'll excuse me I need to take this." Liam says. That leaves Eve and I alone.

Eve nods and continues.


We finish the tour and I'm amazed at how this place looks. It's way different from previous years. "Would you like coffee?" Eve offers.

"Okay." I answer simply. She nods and head to the kitchen, which we haven't been.

We stop at the kitchen and it's huge. It has professional stoves, ovens, everything. Some women are in there as well. They are chattering and stop once we come in.

"Good afternoon Eve." One of them says sweetly.

"Afternoon Trish," Eve greets with her with a sweet voice. She looks to me and speaks. "How do you take your coffee?" Her blue eyes look into mine for a quick moment.

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