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I woke up at six to pee and couldn't fall back asleep.

So I decided to make breakfast for everyone. I cook when I'm nervous, which I am because his family makes me feel uncomfortable.

Around eight I hear people talk. Their footsteps make their way over to where I am.

I first see Gemma who smiles gently at me. Then I see her husband, her parents, her kids, her stepbrother and his family, and soon Harry.

All their eyes go on me. "You didn't have to make breakfast, Eve." I hear my boyfriend say to me.

"It's no problem. It's the least I can do." I say. "Gemma I heard you mention how your son is lactose intolerant so I made pancakes that have no dairy products but taste the same as the regular pancakes. Then uh, Mr. Twist I heard you had a gluten allergy so I made gluten free pancakes. The rest are buttermilk that are plan or have chocolate chip. A pot of coffee is already made as well if you guys wanted your morning coffee." I ramble briefly.

Everyone remains silent and stares at me. "I love her already." I hear Gemma say. I smile softly and everyone says a thank you to me before grabbing the plates I laid out and picking out what they want.

Harry stands beside me and doesn't speak. I start doing the dishes. "I got it Eve." I hear Gemma say to me.

"It's no problem. Just a few pans. Go enjoy your pancakes." I say. Her head tilts at me and we go back and forth for a bit. She eventually gives up and goes to the dining room.

I look at Harry. "Are you going to eat?" I ask.

"Later." I hear him mutter. His eyes look to the coffee pot that is now empty. He shrugs.

"Here." I say to him. I made him a mug a while ago. "Just heat it up."

"You made a cup for me?" He asks.

"Yes because I know you'd just linger around and not get any for yourself." I say. His head shakes with a snicker and he puts it in the microwave.

"I thought you said you don't cook." Harry mentions to me.

"I don't. I only cook when I'm nervous." I say with a chuckle. He takes the mug out of the microwave.

"You didn't have to go all out." Harry says.

"It's not a problem." I hum. I turn off the sink and dry my hands. I look up at Harry who just stares around.

"How uncomfortable are you?" I ask him.

"I'm not uncomfortable." Harry defends. "Just tired."

"You wake up at five for a jog sometimes and come back home at eight. So," I say.

"Home?" He questions.

"I meant it as who's ever home we're at." I murmur.

"Why are you getting pissy with me?"

"I'm not." I'm not trying to come off pissy. "I'll be taking a shower." He doesn't argue. I just walk away and head upstairs.

Harry POV

"And boyfriend of the year award goes to, Harry Styles." I hear Gemma say while clapping. 

I roll my eyes at my sister. She leans against the counter and shakes her head. "You really know how to stay pissy for more than 24 hours don't you?"

I don't like my mother. She puts me in a bad mood. And I have my reasons, which Gemma knows about.

"I'm not pissy." I defend.

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