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I'm outside my apartment at 6 o'clock and before I even open the front door I see Harry opening the door and closing it behind him.

"Hello," My boyfriend greets with a wide smile.

"Hi," I say with furrowed eyebrows. My eyes question him.

"I got a surprise for you," Harry tells me happily.

"Oh god," I say. "Is it a scary one?" I ask.

"No, it's a good one," He tells me.

"Are we getting Taco Bell for dinner?" I ask. His head shakes with a chuckle.

"No, but I think you'll still be happy," His dimples are on his rosy cheeks.

"Okay," I murmur. "I'm scared." I admit.

"Don't." Harry opens the front door to the apartment and tells me to go inside. I hesitantly do.

The first thing I see is a shoe and coat rack. Those have never been there before. Besides the coat rack is our brown wooden table with a bowl on it. The bowl used to hold our keys, now it holds candy. Our keys have to be hanged up on a key holder above it. A lamp is rested on the table as well.

I look to Harry who grins at me and tells me to keep looking around.

I slowly walk towards the living room. That's where Harry wanted my to go to first. My eyes widen at how different it looks.

White and navy blue throw pillows rest on the couch and a dark blue blanket rests on top of the sofa. There is a white coffee table that looks fancy as well. Under the table is a rug what is white and fluffy looking. It's an oversized rug that is long and big enough for you to be able to walk on it near the couch.

A pile of coasters rest on the table as well. There is a lamp beside the couch and paintings that rest on the white walls that used to be bare. I also see a new TV stand that is a pale brown colour and is wood.

"Look near the fire place," Harry tells me. I walk over to the fireplace and see the different photos that rest on the ledge. It ranges from my family to Harry's. That makes me smile and feel comfortable.

I look at the end table closest to me and see a photo of Harry and I. His arm is around my waist and smile is on both of our lips.

I look to Harry who's smiling at me. I still have a grin on my lips.

We begin to walk to our bedroom. Once we get there, I see the different kinds of pillows that rest on top of our bed. We have a new comforter that is white, but looks thicker and heavier than our old one. The throw pillows range from different colours that match well but give the room colour.

We also have a pale wooden bed frame that's new and makes the room look more adult like rather than a room that just got moved into. The dressers also match the bed frame which I like a lot. Having matching things make me feel neat and organised in a sense. A rug is on the floor as well which ties the room together more on my opinion.

Above Harry's and I's dresser is a round mirror that has a silver outline.

Doug got a new bed. He's actually in it now. It's a navy blue bed that is bigger and roomer for him.

"Before we continue I got a little present for you," My boyfriend says to me.

"Harry, this is too much for me to even process," I say causing him to smile.

His arms hook around my waist and my eyes sting with tears. "It's fun to surprise you," My boyfriend says with a smile.

"You're giving me mini heart attacks when we go to every room," I say to him causing a chuckle to leave his lips.

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