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It's April now. 

The weather is warmer and the sky is much more bright and less gloomy. I hate spring and summer because I don't like the heat. I like my sweaters and long sleeves.

Harry and I have been good, I think. He is more open in a sense. He hasn't told me about his past with his ex girlfriend, but he talks about himself more, which I like. We also hold hands and kiss more. We still haven't made it official that we're a thing, even though it's been three months. I don't think about that though, well I try. It's one step at a time. 

"Does this look okay?" I ask Kris while standing in my body mirror. We're going out to lunch today, which we don't really do because of our schedules. 

I'm wearing jean shorts that are loose fitting and don't squish my thighs. My shirt is a white and navy blue striped shirt that is a V neck. The sleeves are a good length as well. My shoes are brown sandals.

"Yeah, why?" Kris asks. 


"I'm uh g-going to work now." I say to John who's in the kitchen typing on his laptop. He always yells at me when I told tell him I'm leaving. I always text him saying I left, but that's not good enough. His brown eyes look to me and his eyebrow raises.

"Wearing that?" He asks humorously.

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" I ask. My eyes look down at my outfit which is shorts and hoodie that says PACE on it. The shorts are loose fitting so it's kind of comfortable. It's warm outside but chilly enough for a hoodie. 

"I mean," He turns his body around to face me. "the shorts don't compliment you. Girls your size shouldn't wear shorts." 

"My size?" I ask with a confused look.

"Plus size." I feel my heart sting and me self esteem go lower.

I never thought I was fat. Since I didn't grow up with a Mom, my Dad always made sure to tell me that beauty comes in all different sizes. He also taught me that a size of a person doesn't define their beauty or how nice they are; everyone is equal. 

That stuck with me as I grew up. I didn't look at myself and think I was fat or pick out my flaws. I never did. Yes, my thighs touch and my stomach isn't the flattest, but that's the way I am. 

"I'm only a size 13." I say. 

"Yeah, fat." I bite my lip. "Sorry, plus size." He mimics.

"Can you stop calling me that?" I ask.

"What? I'm not going to lie to you Eve. I told you, you should start going to the gym to lose some weight."

"I don't want to lose weight." I say. He chuckles.

"I would if I were you. I recommend changing into pants. No one wants to see you in shorts." My shorts aren't even short. They're to my mid thigh. "Maybe stop the carbs."

"You're a dick today." I find myself saying out loud.

His eyebrow raises at me. "I'm sorry. I thought we're supposed to be honest with each other, since we're in a relationship." 

"There is a difference between being honest and mean."

"Eve, you're fat. It's okay, I'm still with you aren't I?" John says. "I mean yeah the cellulite and stretch marks aren't really pleasing to look at all the time, but that's your choice to not do anything about them."

"It's normal to have." I say.

"Yeah, when you're fat. No model has them."

"Because they're models who have a different metabolisms then me." I say like it's obvious. 

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