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It's a few days before Christmas and Gemma is over with her kids and husband for dinner.

The kids are playing in the living room and the rest of us sit in the dining room talking.

I was surprised Harry suggested they come over. He usually never invites anyone over for dinner; I always have to ask. So, it was a new change.

"Oh!" Gemma exclaims with wide eyes. "I was looking through my old photo albums and you will not fucking believe what I found,"

"What did you find?" Harry sips his whiskey that's almost gone in his clear glass.

"I had a few photo's from yours uh," Gemma pauses for a moment. "wedding, and I saw Eve in one of them." Harry's sister's eyes are wide like how mine are currently.

"What?" Harry and I both say at the same time.

"She was working for the catering service. It was a random photo of her with some other server. Isn't it the weirdest thing? Like you guys met before possibly," Gemma pauses. "Before Daren's wedding that is,"

"Are you sure it was me?" I ask. I would remember if I catered Harry's wedding.

"Yeah, for sure. Your hair was in your messy bun thing. Do you remember catering for a wedding?"

"I covered a few of my brothers spots for weddings, but I would remember if I met Harry," I look to my boyfriend who is looking at me. "Well, maybe not. I didn't remember my brothers wedding where I met you so," I chuckle.

"It's like fate or something," Gemma depicts with a grin. Her voice is high and hopeful.

"Fate?" Harry snickers. "I think more like coincidence."

"Same thing," She sips her wine. "I have to show you the photo next time I see you, you'll be amazed. Maybe you'll remember if you guys talked or something,"

"Maybe," I say in a low mumble.

I think back to the few weddings I did for Ethan when he was sick or too busy studying for college. I was only, what? 15? 16? I don't recall ever seeing Harry or even talking to him.

All of these times we met are making me wonder why I never remember him.


I wash the dishes that are in the sink and Harry stands beside me drying them once I'm done. Our dishwasher is currently running and I didn't want to leave them to be done in the morning by Rose.

"Do you think we met before Daren's wedding?" I ask my boyfriend his opinion.

"Well, we met at my Uncles auto shop when you were 16ish I believe," Harry brings up casually.

"What do you mean?" I ask while looking over at him.

"I remember that your Dad came in to work on some cars, and you were waiting for your brother to pick you up. You said something about how you want a car," Harry says to me making my eyebrows knot together.

"The cute mechanic was you?" I find myself saying aloud causing him to grin at me.

"Thanks for the compliment," Harry says. I chuckle.

"Why didn't I remember that? Or Daren's wedding." I ask with a shrug.

"I guess we both found each other unimportant,"

"It seems so," I laugh a little. Silence falls between us for a few moments. All I hear is the warm water running out of the sink and me scrubbing. "Do you think all of this is weird too?" I ask.

"A lot of coincidences," Harry says casually. "I mean, they obviously didn't have a great impact on either of us, you know? I wouldn't say we're together because God meant for us to be, and all of the times we met before was for us to get the hint. I mean, I met you when you were what? 16? I was 20, I would get arrested cause you're underage." He explains. I nod, semi understanding where he's coming from. I'm also optimistic, but I'm not going to say anything for obvious reasons.

"Gemma's kids are sweet," I say, changing the topic.

"They are," Harry agrees. He takes the dish towel and dries the bowl I gave him.

"Do you want more kids some day?" I ask my boyfriend curiously. Harry remains silent for a long time which makes me question.

"Uh," He starts. "Do you want kids?" Harry asks me. He avoids my question which I brush off for now.

"I do," I answer. "What about you?" I ask again.

Silence fills the kitchen which makes me wonder what his answer is. "I uh don't really want any," I bite my lip.

"Why?" I find myself asking.

"Why do you want kids?" He asks me.

"I mean, I always thought it was cool having a baby that's half you and half the person you love. And I just love kids and babies, I think they're the cutest. I don't know, I just always wanted to be a Mom," I explain briefly. Harry nods. "Why don't you want any?"

"I don't have time to take care of a baby," He says making eyebrows furrow. "I'd rather be working and getting money,"

"But you can still work and get money if you have children," I say.

His shoulders shrug. "That's just my reasoning. Plus babies are a lot of work and then you have to take care of this life for 18 years or more,"

Why is he acting like he wasn't a Dad before? If Elena was alive he'd be taking care of her while working still.

"But, I want kids," I say.

"And I want a new car," Harry says out of the blue.

"How does that have anything to do with what we're talking about?"

"I thought we were saying things we want, no?" I roll my eyes at his answer. I turn off the sink and dry my hands with a paper towel.

"You don't think it's an issue that I want kids and you don't?" I ask.

"If we ever get to there we'll talk about it," My eyes narrow at his response.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask.

"Eve, we haven't even had sex yet. Why are we talking about children? We haven't even been dating for a year why are we discussing this?"

"It sounds like you don't even see a future with me," I say. "If we get there. Are you planning on breaking up with me soon or something?" I ask.

"I mean like if we get to that point in our relationship where you want kids, we'll have to talk about it," Harry says.

"Why wouldn't we?" I ask.

"Maybe you'll decide you don't want kids," He says while looking at me. My eyes scowl.

"Me wanting kids won't change," I clarify.

"We don't know what the future holds," My boyfriend hums. "Don't you like it how it is now? Just us. Why change that?"

"Because we get this little baby that's half me and half you," I say. "And we can see him or her grow up and we'll watch all of that. Then we'll one day become grandparents."

"We'll see," Harry says. He leaves the kitchen a few moments later making me have doubts in my mind.

Does he even see a future with me?


I managed to finish this chapter , I hope it was okay

Comment goal: 70 ? That would be cool if we got that

Thank you all so much for reading !!


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