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Harry POV

It's the next morning and I'm exhausted.

I woke up at my usual time, eight, and went to check on Eve. She remained on the same side of the bed with the pillow in her arms. Her hair was in a messy bun and all I wanted to do was pull her into my chest and hold her. 

I feel like an asshole.

Not even an asshole. I feel worse than one. 

I know how sensitive she is, how much it will take her to be uncomfortable. What makes me feel worse is that I made her cry. I hate seeing her cry, and I hate it more because I know that I caused it. 

I sit at the counter and see Anna cooking. "Good morning," My cook chirps.

"Morning," I reply back in a low voice.

"Is Eve not joining you for breakfast this morning?" She asks me whiling mixing the eggs in the bowl.

"Maybe," I murmur. "She's probably going to sleep in." I say.

"Okay," Anna's voice still remains peppy. Her green eyes glance to me then to the pan. "Did you guys have an argument?" 

"Yeah," I sigh. 

"Did she go to bed angry or sad?"

"Maybe both? I know she was sad," I say. "Is going to bed sad better than angry?" I ask.

"Both are bad," Anna informs me. "Especially if you're a girl." She hums. 

"Great." I murmur. "What does your husband do when you guys get into an argument?" I ask.

"To make me not mad the next day?" Anna asks.

"Yeah, if you don't mind me asking that is."

"You're fine," My cook grins. "I like to think we're friends anyways considering I've been cooking for you for seven years. Plus, Eve and I ask each other questions a lot when I cook dinner, so I know stuff about her," Anna gloats. "But, to answer your question, usually my husband doesn't let me go to bed angry or sad. But, for your sake I'll think back to when we were dating."

"Thanks," I murmur with a slight chuckle.

"It might get very tmi," Anna warns.

"It's fine." I say. 

"Usually he'd do something to piss me off, like come home late or act like an asshole. We'll argue back and forth and he'd go low blow. I'd end up crying, you know the usual. Um, then we'd sit away from each other for a while. He'll end up coming into our room where I'm crying at and say sorry and blah blah. I'll stay silent and he'd just hold me or whatever until I fell asleep. The next morning we'd just talk and say how we feel rather than screaming. Then we'd have make up sex," She adds stuff to my omelet while speaking

"Oh," I say.

"Is that close to what happened to you and Eve?" Anna asks.

"Yeah, but I didn't say in the same room with her or hold her until she fell asleep." I admit.

"Well, you fucked up more there. A sad girl waking up alone is never a good thing," My cook informs me. "May I ask what caused your argument?"

"I got home late when her family was over," Anna laughs.

"Typical guy move," She giggles. "Did you say sorry to her family for being late?"

"Yes," I say.

"So where did you fuck up on?" She flips the omelet over now.

"Um," I pause thinking. "When I started to justify myself." Her head shakes.

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