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I walk into the publishing office the following week as I have been.

I knock on Harry's office door and I hear a muffled 'it's open'.

I open the office door and walk over to his desk. He is typing quickly and his eyebrows are narrowed at the computer screen. His lips rest on a straight mine and his facial features look tense and cold. "Here are your things for the morning." I say.

"Okay." He grabs them. His voice is emotionless as well as his face.

"Everything alright Harry?" I ask.

"Mr. Styles." He corrects.

"You said I can call you-" He cuts me off.

"Don't question me, Ms. Collins." Harry snaps making me bite my lip. "Just, leave me alone, got it?"


"Leave my office, now." His voice turns deep and his eyes are cold, making me turn sad. I nod hesitantly and leave Harry's office.


Harry and I usually go out for lunch. He didn't answer my texts so I just went home and played with Doug for an hour.

He left work early so I left his manuscripts with his secretary.

I'm home now. But I'm kinda worried about Harry. He's usually never this off.


Me: Doug says hello

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Me: Doug says hello

Me: you should visit him soon, he likes visitors

Me: fun fact about Doug

Me: he gets very cold

Me: not really a fun fact, maybe just a fact but still

Harry: stop texting me

Me: you're alive

Harry: didn't I say to stop texting me?

Me: I don't really take direction well

Harry: I can tell

Me: rude

Me: why did you leave early?

Harry: mind your own business

Me: ...

Me: you're my friend , why can't I know

Harry: you're not my friend so you can't

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