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I wake up to small kisses on my face. My groggy eyes open and I look and see Harry hovered over me with a small grin.

He plants a kiss on my cheek and forehead causing me to smile. "Good morning,"

"Morning," I reply back with a yawn. "What time is it?" I ask.

"Eight." Harry says while stroking his fingers along my skin. My head presses against his chest and I let out a small deep breath. My legs are tangled with his and my arm is over his chest.

His lips touch the top of my head and his hand rests on my butt causing slightly shivers to rush up my back.

I lift my head off his chest a little and look to my boyfriend who has his eyes on me.

"Can you promise me something?" I ask.

"Depends on what it is," A small, amused grin goes on his pink lips.

"When we do start having sex, can you promise our whole relationship won't be based on it?" I ask. My biggest fear is that he'll be more interested in having sex than being with me like how we've been now.

"I promise you," Harry leans down and kisses me. "If you can't tell by now, I'm not with you for the sex," I chuckle at what he says.

"The amazing sex we have now you mean?"

"Yeah totally." We both end up laughing. My head goes back to resting on his chest. His arms lace around me and his chin rests on the top of my head.

Thanksgiving is next Thursday and I asked Harry what he does every year and he said nothing. He told me he usually works every Thanksgiving and gets take out for dinner.

I was thinking we should have a joint Thanksgiving at our apartment and invite both of our families, since they haven't met yet.

I'm scared to suggest that to Harry because he doesn't like his family much. Or at all. All I need is him to get pissy at me again.


We get to his Mom's house on time. Harry was purposely driving slow because he wanted to stall. But, we still got here the time we were supposed to.

Anne greeted us at the front door with a wide smile and happy eyes. Harry pulled off a fake smile to please his mother.

I wish he told me more about their relationship besides he doesn't like her. I feel like there is more to it, but I'm not going to ask.

I look to Harry who's staring around his old childhood house.

Anne excuses herself to go check on dinner. I stand in front of Harry who remains silent and looks unamused at anything happening.

"Is the house the same as when you were a teenager?" I ask.

"A little," Harry answers. He doesn't tell me what's different or what remains the same. I just nod and awkwardly fidget with my fingers.

I know he doesn't want to be here, so I don't know why he is.

Anne comes back from the kitchen with a smile still on her mouth. She looks happy that Harry came today. Just by her reaction from seeing him at the door, you can tell she's trying and wants a relationship with her son.

"Harry, why don't you show Eve around? If you remember where some things are." His Mom offers.

"Sure," His green eyes look to me and I stare at him.

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