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Tomorrow is Christmas Eve.

A few weeks ago I decorated our apartment, which I enjoyed. I love decorating for Christmas, and I don't know why. I think it's just because I love the holiday so much.

I return to my room with a towel covering my body. I see Harry on his laptop probably doing work emails as he always does on his days off.

I change into leggings and a tank top. I soon sit beside my boyfriend and rest my head on his shoulder. "Whatcha doing?" I ask.

"Emails," Harry answers. I chuckle to myself at how I was right. "Since tomorrow is your birthday, did you want to go out to dinner?"

"It's Christmas Eve, Harry. I don't think any place would be open," I say with a slight snicker.

"Well, I found a place and already made a reservation." He tells me. My eyes glance up at Harry. A confused look rests on my face. "I made the reservation in October because this place is always busy," Harry adds.

"You thought about my birthday since October?" I ask. My voice sounds surprised.

"Yes," He shuts the screen to his laptop and puts it on the floor. "Dinner is at seven. And it's also a fancy place,"

"How fancy is fancy?" I ask curiously.

"Like extremely fancy," He pauses for a moment. "But I know you'll like the food, so it's okay that it's fancy,"

"Is it expensive?"


"Am I able to-" Harry cuts me off before I could finish.

"No, you will not pay half," I huff and rest my head back on his shoulder.

"On your birthday I'm paying for your dinner," I say in advanced.

"No you're not," I nudge Harry causing him to snicker.

I look back up to Harry who's staring down at me. His head leans into me and his lips touch mine. His lips feel soft and delicate against my lips.

Our position changes, and now I'm laying down. His body is fitted in between my thighs and his hands grip my hips firmly. My fingers lace through his brown curls as his lips start to go more quickly against mine.

As our kiss continues, it feels more heated between Harry and I. It started off slow, now it's far from. His hands wander up my chest and rest on my boobs, causing goosebumps to rise on my skin by his touch. His thumbs stroke my nipples causing muffled whimpers to leave my lips.

Harry puts all the blankets to the floor by kicking them off. His lips kiss mine hungrily and his grip on me is strong yet protective.

Harry's hold on my waist is tight. My arms rest on his broad shoulders; hands draped around the back of his neck to allow my fingers to loop through his hair.

His lips are soft, and slightly puffy from the past few minutes of hurried kisses. Harry bites my bottom lip, causing a small moan to leave my breathless mouth.

Seizing the new access to my mouth, I felt his tongue slip inside a moment later. His tongue caresses mine causing my body to become eager for more.

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