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Harry POV

I sit in Liam's office Monday morning before work begins.

We're working on some projects for the office and wanted to do it in peace.

"How was your date Friday?" Liam asks. I look away from my laptop screen and to my friend.

"I think it went well." I say with a small smile.

"Did you kiss her good night?" My smile slips away from my face and I look back to my screen. "Really? You didn't?"

"I was too nervous to." I admit. "Do you think that made her think I didn't have a good time?" I ask timidly.

"Yes. Did you hold hands on the way to the car or her apartment?" I clear my throat and run my hand through my hair. "Wow." Liam claps.

"Fuck off." I say. "I'm not there yet."

"Hopefully there will be on second date. Or you can tell her why you plan on not kissing her anytime soon."

"I'm not doing that." I murmur.


"Liam, please. I had to talk myself into even going on a date with Eve because I felt like I was cheating on my wife." My eyes sting. I look back to laptop screen and type slowly.

"Jane would want you to move on and be happy."

"She thought I saved Elena." I say. "I didn't, and she would want me to be happy?" I ask Liam.

"You didn't give up, Harry. You did eventually get the seatbelt undone."

"Yeah after my daughter suffered and drowned. Father of the year award goes to me." I spit under my breath.

"Talk to Eve, Harry. You like her right?"

"Yeah." I murmur.

"Just tell her you need to go slow and ease back into that stuff since your last relationship."

"I'll try." I mutter under my breath. I soon stand up. "I gotta do some emails. I'll talk to you later." Liam nods and I walk away.

I see my employees pile into the office and chatter to one another. I ignore them and head to my office.

I sit down at my desk and let out a shrug. My eyes look to the picture frames on my desk. One is of my peppy three year old that I miss everyday. It kills me knowing that she would've been eight years old.

The other photo is me and my wife on our wedding day.

I should start saying ex wife.

That thought makes my heart pinch. To me she will always be my wife. But now I'm starting to see Eve and it would be rude of me to keep saying wife in my mind.

I miss my family a lot though.

My office door opens slowly and my eyes look and see Eve. "I just came by to give your manuscripts and such for the morning." I nod and she walks over to me.

Her brown semi curly hair is down which is nice. Usually it's in a messy bun that also looks good on her.

She hands me the manuscripts and paper work for them. Her eyes meet mine for a brief moment. I can't tell if she has blue eyes or hazel eyes. "What color eyes do you have?" I find myself asking.

"They're hazel, but people think they're a light blue." I nod.

"Sorry, that was a weird question."

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