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Harry POV {Senior Year of High School}

Everyday I talk to Jane, the more I feel myself falling for her. She's funny, sarcastic, and ultimately just amazing.

It's January now and I'm still too pussy to ask her out. Everyday I tell myself I will, but I chicken out when we start talking. Liam makes fun of me for it.

Jane and I are good friends now, and I'm scared I'd ruin that. Also, what if she doesn't like me the way I like her? That would make it even more awkward and guarantee us not ever being friends.

We sit in her room Friday after school. Her bedroom walls are a pale yellow and her furniture is all white. She even has white sheer curtains for her room that allow an amount of sunlight in.

I look to Jane who has her light brown hair brushed into pony tail. She's wearing her sweatpants and a hoodie. She looks all cuddly to me. I just feel like holding her and kissing her skin that looks soft and touchable.

"Tim asked me out." Jane says up making my heart pinch and my stomach drop.

"Oh." I manage to say. Disappointment in my voice, hopefully it's not in my eyes.

"I don't know if I wanna go." She says casually. She leans against the headboard of her mattress.

"Do you like him?" I make myself ask.

"I mean," She pauses. "He's cute but looks like a dick. Is he one?"

"N-No." I say. "He's alright." I murmur.

"Alright?" She questions.

"Semi dickish." I say. "Anyways, I better get going, I don't wanna be late to dinner." I come up with.

I don't have dinner, my Mom is at work, and my Dad, well he left us when I was three. I don't know where he is, nor do I care.

"Okay. I'll text you later." Jane says. Her voice lowers.

I nod and stand up from her mattress and slip on my shoes. I soon leave her house. 

Harry POV {Present Day}

I wake up to my arms stretched out across the mattress.

My eyes open and I see the same side of the bed that is made up and not touched. Sadness fills my body.

Even if it's been six years since...I still wake up with the emptiness in my chest and the sadness in my heart.

I'm still not used to sleeping alone and falling asleep alone. I don't think I ever will.

I get up out of bed before my mind starts filling up with more sad things.

I pick out my clothes for the day. My eyes ignore the side of the closet that was once Jane's. All of her clothes and shoes are gone. I haven't put any of my stuff there. It feels weird for me to do that.

I grab my usual Monday outfit and set it on my mattress.


I'm downstairs getting ready to leave. I hear my maid call my name. "Mr. Styles you have a package!"

My eyebrows furrow. I didn't order anything.

I walk over to where my maid is at. She's holding a medium size brown box with shipping tape in the middle and sides.

"Who's it from? I didn't order anything."

"I don't know." My maid, Rose, replies. She hands me the box that isn't heavy. I walk over to the kitchen to grab something to open it with.

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