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I got "suspended" for two weeks.

I never gotten in trouble in my life and the first time I do is because I took a nap and didn't wake up.

My "suspension" starts tomorrow. Today is my last time being in the office for two weeks.

It's not like a need the money or anything. Harry told me it's "business" and not "personal", which I understand.

The beginning of the month is where i try to make as much money as I can for rent. I'm going to be picking up shifts at the diner like crazy these two weeks.

I'm at home getting ready for work when my phone goes off.

Harry: wanna go out tonight?

Me: can't I have to work

Harry: on a Thursday?

Me: yes

Harry: you never work at the diner on Thursdays

Me: I'm have tooooooo for 2 weeks

Harry: :/

Me: what's the :/ face for

Harry: because i suspended you

Me: "work" Harry did

Harry: still

Me: sTiLl

Harry: you're mad at me aren't you?

Me: I'm mad at work Harry

Harry: ...I've been letting you get away with lot Eve. The other interns are complaining im favouriting you

Me: ._.

Me: when have u favoured me?

Me: going to lunch with me once a week ???

Harry: letting you not come in on your days when you're only allowed to miss 12 days and you've missed 8, but I haven't taken the days off of your total

Me: wow

Me: thank you

Me: ...don't do me any favours

Harry: why are you getting pissy at me?

Harry: you asked and I told you

Me: that's your choice to "favour" me , I never asked you to not doc off my days

Me: but if the other interns want to bitch and moan about it then they can go a head. I doubt they have financial struggles that make them take off of work

Me: I have to go now

Harry: are you mad at me?

Me: depends

Harry: depends?

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