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I can't sleep.

I fell asleep around eleven and woke up at one. Ever since I woke up I can't fall back asleep. I tried closing my eyes and forcing myself back to sleep but that didn't work.

I sit up and look to Harry who's sleeping peacefully. Doug is in the middle of us snoring loudly. That makes me smile.

I get out of bed and wrap a small blanket around my body. I head to the living room. Maybe some TV will make me fall asleep.

I place the remotes on the end table and lay down. The TV is low, but loud enough for me to hear it. The Big Bang Theory is on currently.

My eyes glance to the clock under the television. It's three a.m. now. I shrug to myself and run my hand through my hair. I have work tomorrow and have gotten about four hours of sleep so far.

I watch TV for about an hour before I fall asleep. The dream that starts to play in my mind is far from a dream and turns into a nightmare from something in my past relationship.

Harry POV

I wake up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. I rub my eyes and look over to Eve's side of the bed and see she isn't there. My eyebrows furrow and I get out of bed.

I head to the living room and see Eve sleeping on the couch. Her eyebrows are knotted and I see sweat is on her forehead. Actual sweat is going down her forehead.

I shake her shoulders a little. "Eve, wake up." I say in a low voice. What makes me start to worry is her chest starts to rise and fall quickly. I start to shake her more harshly until I see her eyes open.

She starts coughing. Her hands touch her neck and my head tilts. "Did I wake you?" My girlfriend asks me. Her voice is low and hoarse sounding.

"No, I just saw you weren't in bed." I say. Her teeth graze over bottom lip. Her hazel eyes look at me and they turn glossy.

She moves back on the couch and I lay beside her. Her head presses against my chest and her arms hug me tightly. I have a feeling it was a dream about John abusing her. "Next time wake me up when you can't sleep, okay?" I say to Eve who has her head pressed against me.

"I didn't want to wake you and bother you," She mumbles against me.

"You won't be bothering me," I say while stroking her brown hair that is wavy. I kiss her cheek. "Let's go back to bed, yeah?" She nods against me.

We both get up from the couch and walk to our bedroom to get back to bed. Doug has moved to his bed on the floor that is in the middle of the room.

Eve lays down and brings the blankets to her shoulders. I lay down beside her and wrap my arms around Eve's body. Her head goes back to resting on my chest and I stroke her lower back. I kiss her cheek and feel her grip on me is tight. "I love you," I say to my girlfriend.

"I love you too," She replies back. I kiss the top of her head and hold Eve against me until she falls asleep.


When the alarm for 6 o'clock rings, I turn it off before Eve wakes up from it. But, she was already awake.

I fell back asleep for a few hours, and I thought she did too.

"How long have you been awake?" I ask her.

"A few minutes," Eve murmurs. Her hazel eyes look tired. I run my thumb up and down her cheek and kiss her forehead.

"I'm going to take a shower," I say. She nods and pulls the blankets to her chest more.

I get out of bed and grab my towels that are hanging up. I walk to the bathroom and start my shower.

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