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As you can assume I had a melt down after I got that text. I don't think it was a 'melt down', more like a panic attack.

When Harry got out of the shower with his towel around his waist he was very concerned to why I was crying. He quickly put on clothes and sat beside me.

I cried into him for what felt like a good half an hour. I wasn't going crazy last night.

John was actually in the apartment. John was actually right outside the door.

Harry talked with the managers of the building and he asked who was the staff last night. The manager, Lucy, said there was a janitor and someone at the front desk. Harry asked the man at the front desk why they let him (John) up, his response was, "he said there was a call made to the police station from your pent house. He showed me his badge and I believed him. I gave him the pin and he went up."

How lovely.

Harry said never to let him up again, and if he's in the building call security. He also told the man at the desk to leave a note for the other people that will be working at the desk later on.

Harry had the pin changed as well as added new locks to the door just in case. Now, either way you need a key, that only Harry has.

I don't know how he managed to do all that in three days, but he did. I can barely do dishes and laundry in a week but he's managed to get more locks, change the pin, and inform the whole staff here not to let John in.

Since that night I haven't been sleeping the best. The first night since the text, was when Harry changed the pin; the second night was Harry giving me a pep talk so I wouldn't freak out since Doug barked at something behind the door, and the third day since the text, was when he added the new locks on the door. They're special locks that had to be ordered online.

It's currently two o'clock in the afternoon on Friday, and we're in the living room watching TV.

I have a blanket to my chin and my dog is on my lap.

Harry's phone rings and he tells me he'll be right back. I nod and look back to the TV that has Modern Family on.

I look down at Doug who is gnawing on his bone. I look back to the TV and try to focus on that and not the fact that I'm worried about everything.

Harry soon comes back to the living room. "Liam called me and said I need to go to the office for a conference I forgot about," He says.

"Oh," I say. "You can go."

"I don't want to leave you alone right now." Harry says to me.

"How long will you be?" I ask.

"Half in hour to hour, tops."

"You can go." I don't want him to drop everything he needs to do for me, especially if it's work related.

"Are you sure?" His bright green eyes look into mine.

"Yeah. Just uh, text me when you're going to come in," I say. My teeth pick at my lower lip.

"I will." Harry leans down and kisses the top of my head before going to his room to change for a work meeting.

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