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Harry POV {Senior Year of High School}

Jane and her family moved in two weeks ago.

I haven't spoken to her since our break up which was a month ago. I try not to look at her in school as well as home.

I've never been so ready for college until now. I don't want to be remembered that my Mom's love interest ruined mine.

Robin and my Mom went away for the weekend. Where? I didn't ask.

Gemma went back to her university and Mike is at a sleep over. I'm supposed to pick him up tomorrow morning. I don't mind, he's a good kid that keeps to himself.

That leaves Jane and I alone.

The thought of that shouldn't make me sick, but it does.

I wanted to hangout with Liam today but he cancelled because of a booty call. That make me angry because I don't want to be in the same house alone with Jane.

I walk upstairs and ignore that her bedroom door opened.

I had to help paint her room.

Decorate her room.

Move stuff into her room.

All things I didn't want to do.

I wanted to do this stuff when we have a house of our own, if we were to ever. Not when her Dad is about to marry my Mom.

I don't look at her. I just walk to my room. "Can you stop ignoring me?" I hear her voice call beside me.

I shrug my shoulders and turn around and look at her. She's wearing soccer shorts that fall to her mid thigh and a hoodie that makes her look cuddly and cute.

"Why?" I ask. My voice bored and plain.

"Because it bugs me." She says matter of factly.

"That sucks." I say. Her brown eyes scowl at me.

"Why are you being a dick to me?" Jane asks. Her voice low.

Maybe because instead of telling our parents we were a couple we broke up now we're one big happy fucking family.

"Is there a reason why I can't?" I ask. My voice still annoyed sounding.

"Because it isn't nice." I chuckle to myself and shake my head. I turn my heel to walk away from Jane but her hand grabs mine. My hands become sweaty and my heart pinches.

I move my hand out of her's and look and see her eyes are gloomy. "You're the one who wanted to not tell them. Don't look sad because we can't be together."

"I wanted them to be happy." Jane says.

"Okay? They can remain just dating so we can be together. It would be less weird." I say.

"It's still weird." Jane says in a huff.

"We're not together so why does it matter to you still?" I ask. Her eyes burn in mine.

"Have you already moved on?" I remain silent and just stare at her. What makes my heart fall is that her soft brown eyes well up.

My arms wrap around her body and my chin rests on the top of her head. "Please don't cry." My murmur against her. "I'm not with anyone." I kiss her temple and run my fingers through her hair.

"I just want to be with you." I hear her murmur against my chest. "But it's weird if I'm dating you. I don't want it to be weird."

"I don't want us to be a secret." I say.

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