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I hate parties. 

I never liked parties for multiple reasons. 

One of them being I'm always that one odd person that doesn't speak to anyone. I also feel like I stick out when I really don't. 

I usually to try to act as sociable as I can at parties, especially if it's one like these where I need to be sociable to get money out of investors. 

I'm currently talking to a guy named Carl who is a big investor. A really rich investor that I'm trying to haggle money from, as bad as that sounds. 

"How were the sales this year?" Carl asks me. His dark brown eyes look into mine and a small smirk crawls on his lips. He's in his thirties and I see a wedding ring on his finger. 

"Amazing. We went up forty percent from last year. Well, we can still go up by January, there is still some time left."

"That's impressive." I nod in agreement. 

"If you want to speak more about the numbers our CEO is near the bar I believe." I come up with. I haven't seen Harry all night.

"I will, thank you. Do you know where the slips are to invest?" 

"I believe they're near the stage. I'm really not sure." I am sure, I just don't want to seem like I am.

"Thank you darling." He winks at me then walks away. I let out a deep breath and take a sip out of my water. Well it's sparkling water which tastes like shit, but I'm thirsty and they don't have any soda. 

Harry POV

"Hello." I hear Liam say beside me. He sounds happy like usual. 

"Hi." I glance to him. I let out a deep breath.

"Eve is doing amazing with these investors man. I have to thank her later."

"Where is she? I haven't seen here all night." I say. Liam and I look to the crowd of people. I sip my drink that I've been used to drinking lately. 

"Um," My friend's brown eyes scan the room. "There she is." He points to her. I choke on my drink a little and Liam laughs at me. Eve is talking to an old friend of mine. 

She's wearing a fitted white dress that falls down to her feet. The fabric hugs Eve's sides, which bring out her amazing curves. The dress it a V neck that shows a little cleavage and the straps are a good size. Eve's hair is also down and is fixed well. 

"You good there?" My friend snickers. He asks the bar tender for another beer. I'm also mad that I requested Pepsi and they didn't get any. I know that's what Eve likes to drink when she's out, so that's why I ordered it. But of course they brushed over the soda because it's an adult party

"Yep." I can't take my eyes off of Eve. She looks absolutely beautiful. 

"Why don't you go and talk to her? You look kind of like a creep just staring at her from a far." I take my eyes off of Eve and look to Liam. I finish off my whiskey and put it on the bar counter. 

Yesterday was my first official therapy session. I think it went okay. I know I have a way to go though. 

"Yeah, I'll do that." I say. I look to Eve who has a smile plastered on her lips. "What should I say to her?" I ask Liam before I walk away.

"Compliment her. Say hello. Have you never had a conversation before?" I roll my eyes at my friend and he chuckles. He grips my shoulder and smiles at me. "Don't ramble though." I sigh. That is unlikely. 

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