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I wake up to the bright sunlight burning down on my face.

I groan a little and turn over. A few moments later my alarm goes off making me sigh. I reach up and turn it off.

I look over and see Harry still sleeping. He looks peaceful and cuddly. I move over to him and gently touch the tender spot on his face from last week.

Soon his green eyes open and he moves closer toward me. "What time is it?" Harry asks. His morning voice is soothing to me.

"Six thirty." I answer. He shrugs and closes his eyes for a brief moment. "Mr. Businessman doesn't want to get up?" I gasp.

"Ha ha." Harry yawns. He soon sits up and itches his eyes. He looks at me and smiles softly.

I lean in and kiss his cheek. "How's your cheek?" I ask.

"Fine. Just tender." His hand runs through his hair.

"Are you in pain?" I ask.

"No." Harry says. "I'm perfectly fine." His lips touch the spot under my ear, making my body tingle. One of his hands rests on top of mine and his mouth works down to my neck making my eyes close and my body relax a bit.

His lips gently suck my neck and his hands rest on my hips now.

Harry's mouth works back to mine and my fingers roam through his hair.

This is the first time we've kissed for this long. Is it bad that I'm nervous? It's a good nervous, for the most part. I just don't remember ever making out with someone.

His body fits in between my thighs and my hands rest on his waist. I feel his tongue dip into my mouth making a soft whimper leave my lips. His fingers play with the hem of my shirt as well.

Suddenly he stops.

Just stops.

His body detaches from mine and he just sits beside me. "I gotta get ready for work." Harry says in a low voice.

Before I could say anything he gets out of bed and walks to the bathroom.

Did I do something wrong?


I'm wearing my clothes for work and I'm in the kitchen pouring coffee into a mug that I can take to the office.

Anna made breakfast an hour or so ago and put them in containers for Harry and I to heat up whenever we're awake.

"Eve, I'll be working later tonight." I hear Harry say. I turn around and see Harry with his stuff, ready to leave.

"Oh, what time will you back then?" I ask. I put a lid on the mug and walk over to him.

"Eh, maybe nine."

"Oh okay." I say. "I'll see you at the office then."

"Will do." I lean in but he moves away.

Legit moves away.

That makes my heart pinch.

"Why are you pushing me away again?" I find myself saying.

"What?" His eyebrows furrow.

"You're pushing me away." I respond.

"No I'm not. I'm running late to work." Harry says.

"It's seven fifteen. You go to the office at eight thirty." I say.

"I want to get to work early, Eve."

"So I can't kiss you goodbye? A one second kiss won't make you not get to work early," My voice is semi tense. "What's wrong?" I ask.

"Nothing." Harry tells me. "I want to get to work early."

"Fine, I'll talk to you later then." I dismiss him. I sip my coffee and walk back to the counter to make Doug his breakfast.

Harry leaves the kitchen and I roll my eyes to myself. Asshole.


"Good morning." I say to Liam who's by the front desk. His eyes are on some papers by the desk.

"Hello." He looks over at me and smiles.

"Can I get you anything?" I ask.

"No. But tell Harry the Gala is a black and white themed party." I nod, not knowing what he's talking about. "You're going right?"

"No, I uh, didn't know there was a Galla. When is it?" I ask.

"This up coming Saturday." Liam tells me. "Maybe he forgot about it."

"Maybe." I murmur. "I'll go tell him that now. I have to give him some files anyways."

"Okay great. Thank you very much." I nod and soon walk away from Liam.

I head to Harry's office. I'm not in the mood to look at him or even talk to him.

I step into his office and walk towards him. His eyes are on some papers on his desk and his hand is running through his brown hair.

"Here are you projects for this morning and what you need to work on tonight." I say to Harry.

His green eyes peer up at me. "I don't need what I need to do tonight, now." He grabs his morning stuff from my right hand.

"Fine, I'll bug you later then," I mutter. "Liam also wanted me to tell you the Gala is black and white themed." I mention.

"Great." His voice sounds sarcastic.

"I'll see you at the end of the day." I dismiss myself. Just being around him is getting me annoyed.

"Will do."

I roll my eyes and mimic him under my breath. I shut the office door behind me a little too roughly because I get some stares.


It's ten at night at Harry isn't home yet.

I made myself some tea, so I'm cleaning out the mug I used currently.

I hear the front door shut and I just huff. Since this morning he's been in a mood.

I soon see Harry. His face looks tense and tired.

I turn off the sink and dry my hands with a dish towel.

He doesn't say anything to me. He just goes to the fridge and grabs a water. My eyes scowl at him.

Harry grabs his water and walks away with his stuff. I walk behind him and grab his hand. He stops walking and glares at me.



Have a wonderful day/night

Tysm for reading !!

Comment goal: 60???? That would be amazing if we got that


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