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So I lied this chapter isn't really cute haha. I changed my mind sorry lol



It took me an hour to convince Harry to go to the beach with me.

A whole fucking hour.

He just wanted to sit in our bedroom and be anti social the whole first day of us being here but I didn't let him.

It's a beautiful day out and I want to try to get a tan.

Harry and I are on the beach currently. There are a few people in the water but they're houses down.

My boyfriend looks miserable. I stand. "I'm going in the water." I tell him.

Harry doesn't say anything. But he stands up. I slide down my shorts that were a cover up for my bottom half of me.

My bathing suit is a high waisted bikini with a flowy top. It's a black bathing suit. I don't wear bikinis but this was the only one that I liked that gave my boobs support.

I take off my sunglasses and untie my hair. I lay it down on our blanket and look to Harry who waits for me. We soon walk to the water.

"Why do you look so miserable?" I ask him timidly.

"I'm not miserable." He defends. I step in the cold water and feel my body jerk a little.

"You do." I say. I look at him. I move a little up and he stays behind.

I turn around and look at the water then look back at Harry who looks uncomfortable. "Are you okay in the water?"

"Yeah." He mutters.

"Have you not been in the water since-" Harry cuts me off.

"I don't want to talk about it." His voice is defensive and sharp. I feel my heart sting. I just turn back around and let out a deep breath.

I wonder when he'll stop pushing me out. I wonder when he'll be comfortable around me.

I feel his hand hold mine. "Sorry for snapping." Harry murmurs. "How far do you usually go?"

"I don't know, maybe waist." I say. I look back at him.

We're ankle length now.

"Can you go shin length?" Harry asks. "That's pretty deep, no?"

"You should try to get over your fear of water." I say to him. "It's not all that scary." A wave falls down and hits our feet.

"When you go far enough out it is." He says beside me.

I begin to walk a little and he timidly walks with me. As we get further in the ocean the more his grip on my hand tighten out of fear. "Can we stop now?" Harry asks. We're at our knees.

"Okay." I say to him. A few waves hit us and he scrunches his face. I move back a little so he's more comfortable. His grip on my hand loosens a little which makes me feel like he's okay now. "Do you swim in a pool?" I ask Harry.

"No." He replies.

"Take baths?"

"I have no need to take one." I nod. "Do you take baths?"

"Sometimes bubble ones when I'm stressed." I admit.

His hand still holds mine tightly. "Do you like the ocean?" He asks me.

"Yeah. Every summer my Dad would take my brothers and I to Jones beach. We would boogie board and stuff there. My brothers would always go far out. I sometimes did if I had my Dad with me." I say.

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