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"Is there any topics that I shouldn't talk about?" Harry asks me as we're five minutes away from my old house.

"No." I chuckle. "I just wouldn't make death jokes." I say.

"Why would I make death jokes?" Harry questions.

"I'm just saying things you should avoid Harry." I say with a chuckle. "My dad is more uptight with that stuff rather than my brothers." I say.

"Anything else?"

"Don't swear unless my Dad likes you."

"How would I know if he likes me?" Harry questions.

"He'll make fun of you." I say. "Well, joke around. Whatever guys do."

"Okay." He says with a nod.

"I'm glad you didn't bring your casual slacks." I say.

"Why?" His eyes look over at me.

"Because you would've been made fun of." I say.

"You're acting like they're bullies." His eyes look back to the road.

"They aren't." I snicker. "They're like dogs, they sense fear."

"Great." I smile.

"I'm just joking. They're nice." Harry pulls up to my Dad's house.

It's two o'clock and my brothers and their families are coming over at four for a family barbecue.

"You ready?" I ask while unbuckling my seat.

"No." He says with a slight snicker. I lean over and kiss his cheek.

"You'll be fine." I squeeze his hand.

I get out of the car and get Doug who's in the backseat resting.

"We'll grab our things later." I say to Harry who nods. We walk up to my porch and I ring the door bell.

Soon the door is pulled back with my father behind it. His eyes are a pale brown and his hair has some grey in it now. "Hi darling." My Dad says while hugging me.

"Hello." I say while hugging back.

When we break away from our hug my Dad tilts his head at me. "Are you on a diet or something? Why do you look skinny? You need to eat more." I look down at my body.

"I'm still the same size as I always been." I say.

"Uhuh." My eyes narrow at my Father.

"Anyways, Dad. This is my boyfriend Harry. Harry this is my Dad, Patrick."

"Mr. Collins." My Father corrects. I roll my eyes to myself. My fathers hand extends out to Harry who looks nervous now.

"Nice to meet you." Harry shakes his hand.

"Sure." I glare at my Dad. "There's the guy I've been wanting to meet." My Father kneels down in front of Doug who ends up rolling over on his back.

I look to Harry and mouth 'I'm sorry'.

"Anyways, come inside." My Father says. His eyes glance to Harry then to me. I step inside my old house. I take Doug off of his leash and hang it up on the coach rack.

"Are you a vegetarian Harry?" My father asks while walking towards the kitchen.

"I'm not." He answers.

"Good, I'm not a big fan of grass eaters."

"Dad." I scold with wife eyes. He can be so rude. He just snickers to himself. "I'm going to give Harry a tour of the house." I tell him.

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