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It's December now.

My favourite month out of the year is December. It's not because it's my birthday month, it's because I love the holidays. Christmas is my all time favourite holiday and I just always love seeing decorations with little rain deer or elves on them.

It's Monday morning and Harry and I are getting ready for work.

"Do you usually decorate for Christmas?" I ask Harry who is adjusting his black leather belt.

"No," He says casually. "I would ask do you, but I already know," A smug smile goes on his lips.

"You helped me set up my tree last December for my apartment," I mention with a grin. "Wasn't that fun?" I ask.

"No," My eyes scowl at Harry. "I only did it because you asked me for help."

"Would you mind if we got a tree?" I ask.

"Just a tree?" My boyfriend asks.

"Well, we need lights for the tree and ornaments," I say.

"That's all you want?"

"What's the extend that I can go to?" I ask him.

"Don't make the apartment look like Santa shit everywhere." I laugh at his comment. "And don't make the apartment look like winter wonderland," I nod.

"I won't," I kiss his cheek. A smile is still on my lips. "Can you tell I love Christmas?"

"Yeah," His voice is bland still.

"Cheer up," I say. He gives me a fake smile and I lean in and kiss him.

"When are you getting the tree and what not?"

"Maybe this week," I answer. It's December 10th now.

"When you go let me know so I can give you my credit card," My eyes scowl at him.

"I can pay for it," I say.

"I can too," Harry grins.

"I'm not using your credit card," I hum.

"Yes you will," He mocks me causing my eyes to roll back.

"Can you go with me?" I ask. "I have some ornaments but my lights broke."

"Do I have to go?" He grunts.

"You don't want to go with me?" I ask.

"Not really. I don't like the holidays nor really care for them," He tells me honestly.

"You remind me of the Grinch," I say causing his eyes to scowl at me. "The Grinch had more Christmas spirit than you though," I say causing Harry to scoff at me.

"Thanks," He says.

I open my mouth to speak but I stop myself. I pause for a moment. "Am I pushing it? We don't have to get anything for the apartment." I say.

"If you want to get some things, the. You can," Harry tells me.

"But am I overwhelming you with it? I don't want you to be mad at me with this like you were when I was pushy with the family thing," I say.

His arms wrap around my waist and he smiles gently. "You're not pushy, you're fine, okay? Go get your decorations and whatever." I bite my lip. Harry kisses me twice and hugs me.

"You don't have to go with me," I mumble against him.

"Thank you," He says causing me to chuckle.

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