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Harry POV {past}

*Three Years Later*

"Daddy wake up." I hear a voice say in my ear. My tired eyes open and I see my daughter staring down at me. A smile is on her lips and her dimples are on her cheeks. "Hi." She says. Her voice is sweet and and high.

"Hello." I say back with a small grin. I pull her down next to me and tickle her sides making her giggle and kick her legs around. I love hearing her little laugh.

"Daddy I can't breath!" My daughter, Elena exclaims. I stop my tickling and smile to myself.

"Did your Mom ask you to wake me up?" I ask her.

"Yes. She said breakfast is ready." I nod. I kiss my daughters forehead.

"Do you know what she made?"


I get out of bed and look to Elena who raises her arms at me. I smile at my daughter and pick her up.

Her arms small wrap around me and her head rests on my shoulder.

I walk downstairs.

Through the past three years a lot has changed.

I'm a head manager at Siegel and Simon publishing office. I also make enough for the three of us to live in a four bedroom house that has a backyard and white fence. Jane and I are both debt free from college. She's in her last year as well as myself. I mostly do my school work from home.

I see my wife standing behind the stove placing pancakes on the trey. Her hair is pulled into a messy bun and I admire how beautiful she looks in a shirt of mine that falls to her low thigh.

"You've managed to wake the beast?" I hear Jane remark to our daughter. I scoff.

"Rude." I place Elena in a chair at the island. I kiss my daughters puffy cheek. I walk over to my wife and wrap my arms around her waist. My head rests on top of her's. "Good morning." I murmur.

"Good morning." She slides me over a dish on the counter. "Eat." My wife demands.

I smile at her words and quickly peck her lips. Elena is three now and Jane and I have been married for two years.

These three years have honestly been the best years of my life. I have a beautiful daughter who I can't imagine a world without, and an amazing wife who I love with all my heart.

"We have my Aunt's wedding tomorrow." I remind my wife who nods.

"I didn't forget Harry." Jane hums. "Then after that we'll look for pugs?"

"We're getting a dog?" My daughter asks with wide green eyes.

I narrow my eyes at my wife who is smirking. "We'll see." I tell my daughter who is grinning.

"Thank you Daddy." I shake my head. They both know when I say "I'll think about it" I always mean "yes".


We paid for a hotel room for my aunts wedding for three days.

It's Friday night and we're driving to some town where the wedding is located at. We decided to drive the night before so the day of we're not rushing.

Every so often I'll check the mirror and look at Elena. She's sleeping. Her head is against the seat belt and her bear is on her lap.

She loves her stuffed bear. She takes it everywhere.

I look to Jane who's staring out the window. I rest my hand on her lap which her hands are on. Her brown eyes look to me and she smiles.

"I love you." I say.

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