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We got twinkle lights at the office and a mini tree.

Everyone was very pleased with the new things added. I am too, but I'm biased because I love Christmas.

It's Sunday evening and I'm in my room folding my clothes that belong in my dresser. My hair is in a pony tail and I'm wearing pyjama pants that have snow flakes on them and a white tank top.

I see Harry walk into our bedroom and look at me. "Snow flake pants?" He observes.

"Yes," I say. "Don't judge me,"

"They might disappear like my casual slacks," I chuckle under my breath and smile. "I know you threw them out."

"I hid them," I admit. "And look, you've been dressing less like a fifty year old man," I say.

"How kind of you to say." He gives me a sarcastic smile. His hand runs through his hair and he sits beside me. "Your birthday is soon," My boyfriend brings up.

"Yep," I say.

"You'll be twenty five," He hums

"You'll be turning twenty nine soon," I say causing Harry to groan.

"Don't remind me," He mumbles. "What do you want for your birthday? I already have your Christmas present," I stop folding my clothes and look to Harry.

"I told you I don't want you to get me anything," I say.

"And I said, too bad." He reminds me with a smirk.

"You already have done enough for me," I say.

"I haven't," Harry says while looking to into my eyes. "Just tell me what you want,"

"I can't think of anything I want nor need," I admit.

"New pyjamas?" Harry says causing me to scoff.

"I like my pyjama's, thank you very much," I say while nudging my boyfriend a little.

"I'll just surprise you," He grins at me. I put my clothes away and put my hair into my usual messy bun. Harry is still seated on our mattress. His hands rest on my hips. and his eyes look hinting.

My head tilts down at him until our lips touch. It's a soft kiss but I can tell it's going to lead to something. My hands hold onto his cheeks as his hands go to the waistband of my pants. His fingers slowly pull them down leaving my bottom half, only in my underwear.

Harry pulls me down closer toward him until I'm straddled on his lap.

His hands fall to my butt which squeezes gently. My fingers roam through his curls that twirl around my finger tips. His tongue dips into my mouth causing our kiss to deepen more. Harry's plump lips feel soft against mine. Our kiss is far from soft though. It's quick and sloppy and makes my insides heat with pleasure. Shivers rush up my back by his simple touches.

I feel his boner press against me. I move my body up more causing my butt to glide over his erection that's hidden in his boxers. Harry moans in my mouth and presses my hips against his waist where he's sensitive.

My lips pulls away from Harry's. His eyes stare into mine and I see his chest is rising and falling heavily. "Did you want me to touch you?" I ask.

"You don't have to." He says. His lips are a pale pink colour from us kissing for so long.

"Do you want me too though?" I ask again.

"Yeah," Harry answers. I lean down and kiss his lips that are a bit swollen. He kisses back instantly and cups my face.

My hands raise up his white shirt that he usually wears to bed. I place it by his side of the mattress and rest my hands on his toned stomach, which feels tense.

My mouth travels off of his and to the nip of his neck. Harry lets out a small whimper as I suck at his skin gently.

My lips work down his chest, to his boxers where I see his bulge. It's pressing against the fabric of his boxers, making an outline appear.

I look up to Harry who nods saying I can take them off.

I slowly pull down his briefs, that soon exposes his member. My eyes stare at his erect penis. I wasn't expecting his length to be above average and be as thick as it is.

"Is there anything you like or?" I ask my boyfriend.

"Do uh, whatever you please," He says while staring down at me. I nod.

I hold his soft shaft in my hand and brush my thumb over his tip making his penis twitch. I do this a couple times, making Harry moan.

I pump his member causing a coat of wetness to grow along him. I lick my lips and move my hands quicker causing him to mumble things under his breath.

I look up to Harry who has his head back on the pillows and has his eyes screwed shut.

I continue thrusting my hand over his shaft and swirling my thumb over his pink head.

A mixture of moans and groans continue to leave his mouth making me feel slightly proud of myself.

"Oh fuck, Eve." His hands tug at his hair brown his, and his teeth pick at his pink lips. My cheeks heat slightly at his words.

His whole is wet and slippery as my hand continues moving along him. I start to go slower causing Harry to moan.

"Don't go slow," He pleas through a whimper. His thighs become tense and his breaths are sharp by my slow actions. I obey what he says and pump my hand against him quickly.

I see the tension built more in Harry's body, letting me know he's going to come soon.

I work quicker against his shaft. Harry's feet dig into the mattress and he mutters things under his breath. I grab the tissue beside me and place it under his head. A loud moan leaves his pink lips as he comes.

I pump my hands twice more, these ones are slower. I fold the tissue up and throw it out in the trash can next to our bed. I as well wipe my hands with a clean tissue.

I sit beside Harry who looks breathless. His chest is rising and falling quickly and his green eyes look to me. "Was that okay?" I ask.

"It was amazing," He says with a smile. Harry leans up and kisses me. It's a simple kiss that makes me all gushy in the inside.

"Was that seven years of come?" I joke slightly causing him to chuckle.

"Yes," He nudges me a little causing me to grin. Harry slides up his boxers and looks at me. "Did you want me to pleasure you?" He asks. His voice turns low and deep.

"You didn't get pleasured when you touched me," I say.

Harry smirks at me. "That wasn't a yes or no answer," He hums. My boyfriend fits himself between my thighs and kisses my neck. His  hands rest on my hips. My teeth graze over my bottom lip.

One of his hands slides in between my thighs slowly, just in case I wanted him to stop. I don't say anything, my eyes just close at his touch.

Harry's finger strokes me against the fabric of my underwear slowly. His movements cause small moans to leave my lips. "I'll take that as a yes," His voice is low which causes goosebumps to rise on my skin.



Sorry again about the shitty smut

Comment goal: 50???


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