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Harry POV {four years ago}

"I can't believe you're married." I say to my best friend, Daren.

"It's not a big deal." He grins to himself. I nudge my friend a little and sip my whiskey. "Nice speech by the way."

"Too bad I couldn't mention that I found you passed out on the beach one day on spring vacation and that's how we met." I say with a humorous grin.

"My Dad would've killed me, thanks." Daren squeezes my shoulder.

My eyes land on a girl who's talking to an older women. Her hair is in a bun and the colour of her dress is a navy blue that suits her well. It brings out the curves in her body.

"Who's the girl in the blue dress?" I ask Daren.

"My sister. I introduced you guys already." My friend says in a huff.

"Oh, yeah." I sip my drink and take my eyes off of her. I look to my friend who just got married.

"She's off limits, Harry."

"I'm not interested in anyone, don't worry." I say in all honesty.

"I'm just stating the obvious Harry. She is off limits." A guy in a suit meets her. The wide smile that was once on her lips is gone and she has a weak nervous grin now.

The guy puts his arm around her waist and his fingers dig into her side. "If anything you should watch out for her date." I find myself saying.

"Who? John?" Daren turns around. John's arm has dropped from her.

"If that's his name, yeah." I say. I turn back around as ask the bar tender for another drink.

"He's a good guy, I like him."

"Whatever you say." I murmur. I take a swig of my whiskey that is placed in front of me.

"Thanks for being my best man, Harry." Daren lowers his voice. My eyes glance to him. His face is hinting.

"You don't have to thank me." I say.

"I know but, you know." His brown eyes look away from me and to the beer in his hands.

"Just because my wife died doesn't mean I hate weddings." I say bluntly.

"What number drink are you on?" Daren asks me with a raised eyebrow.

"Five." I let out a sigh. "Why?" I ask.

"Just wondering. I'm going to say hello to my wife. Have fun getting drunk." I smile against my glass and he walks away.

I let out a shrug and sip my drink. It burns its way down my throat.

"Can I get a Pepsi?" A sweet voice asks beside me. My eyes look over my shoulder and I see Daren's sister. Her eyes glance at me then to the bar tender who serves her, her drink.

I swirl around the remaining whiskey in my glass.

"I liked your speech." I hear the women beside me say. I look over at her. "You are my brothers best man, right?"

"Yeah, that's me." I say. I finish off my drink. "And, thanks." Her light hazel eyes meet mine and I look away.

"Is that how you guys actually met?" She asks. Her voice still happy sounding.

"No, he didn't want me to say how actually how we met." I admit making a smile curve on her lips.

"How nice." His sister murmurs. "I'm surprised he found a best man. He's not good with people." She admits to me.

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