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Harry POV

It's Thursday morning and Eve is still sleeping. Usually she hears my alarm before me.

I shake her a little until she groans and moves around. "Good morning," I say to my girlfriend who just woke up. Her beautiful hazel eyes look tired and her lips look pale. 

"Morning," Eve groans. "What time is it?"

"Nearly seven," I say.

"I hate waking up early," She throws the blanket over her face causing me to smile.

"I'm going to be late to work," I mention to Eve. She puts down the covers and looks at me.

"You? Late? Wow," She gasps mockingly. I grin at her. "Why?"

"I have stuff to do," I don't want to tell her I'm redoing the apartment and I can't think of an excuse. "It's minor stuff." I add.

"Okay," Her eyes question me. "Will you be back for lunch?"

"I should," I grin gently. I lean down and kiss her cheek. "I'll be taking a shower."

"Can I pee first?" Eve asks me as I stand up from our very comfortable bed. Looking at her under the covers makes me want to stay home and cuddle with her all day.

"Go a head," I snicker. She just smiles at me a little and gets out of bed. My eyes look down at Eve's butt as she walks away. She went to bed in a white tank top and her common boy shorts. 

Lately I've been getting really horny and I don't know why. Well, I do know why, I just don't know it's been happening every other day. I get a boner at the oddest times as well.

Eve comes back from the bathroom a few minutes later. Her hair that was once down is now in a messy bun and her eyes look at me. "Hurry up in the shower, I got to be in work by eight today,"

"Meeting?" I ask.

"Yep," My girlfriend shrugs.

"You can take a shower first then," I offer kindly.

"You called dibs first, so go a head. I'm just saying please be quick because I need to shower," Eve snickers.

My arms wrap around her low waist and I smile. I press my lips against her's and feel her chest press against mine.

I was going to ask if we can take a shower together but, you know.

"I'll be taking my shower," I quickly kiss Eve and walk off to the bathroom.

Cold shower number four this week.


Eve left for work an hour ago and I'm currently talking to a designer, Max, who will be decorating and what not before Eve comes home. He seems like he will make the apartment they way she will like it, so I'm not that nervous.

"Is she a pillow type of girl?" Max asks me.

"Yes, yes she is," I answer. He grins at me. "I'll be back around five to see how you are doing. Leave the total amount with the receipts in the dining room and I'll pay you back when I get back,"

"Will do," I grab my brief case before I leave for the day.


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