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It's becoming tense at the office as the months go on. By August they (Liam, and Harry) will decide the intern who would stay at the office. Chloe got let go last week and so did another girl named Julia. Now it's just Nate and I left.

I'm nervous. This is my ticket on getting a full time position with benefits and a job that pays well. I hope I do get picked, I really do the need the job.

Anyways, it's weird to think Harry and I have been dating nearly six months now. It feels more like two months and not six, in my opinion. Over the months of us dating, everything feels the same, if that makes sense. Like we don't grow as a couple. We just remain the same. I don't know how to explain how I feel about us.

I walk out of his bedroom that I was previously sleeping in and hear him on the phone. "No, I don't think I'm going." I hear him say. "It's not that I don't want to see you guys it's just-- No Gem, it's too soon to bring Eve--Yes I know how long we've been dating--Gemma." As the conversation goes longer the more stressed he sounds.

I walk into the kitchen and see his eyes linger on me. "I'll call you later." He says to his sister. He soon hangs up the phone and I smile softly.

"Good morning." I greet. I sit at his island.

"Morning." He says with a small sigh. "Sleep well?"

"Yep." Doug enters the kitchen making me smile. "You sounded annoyed while talking to your sister." I bring up because of the fact my name was mentioned, and for the fact I want to know why he got annoyed.

"She stresses me out." His hand runs through his hair.

"Is she pushy?" Harry laughs.

"Very." He sips his coffee. "Uh, every summer my sister has the whole family down at her beach house for a week, it was my beach house but I sold it to her because I don't like going. It's like a bonding thing, I don't know. I went last year for two days then came back home. I can only deal with her and my Mother for so long." His voice sounds like he has an accent.

"Why do you sound like you have an accent?" I ask curiously with furrowed eyebrows. "Sorry for changing the topic."

Harry shrugs. "I was born in England and moved here when I was 7." He tells me. "After high school my sister moved to England for college and what not and moved back here three years ago. Every year she'd come down for the annual beach week thing though. She got her accent back and when we talk on the phone sometimes mine comes out. I don't know, it's weird and annoying."

"You never told me that before." I say.

"It's not really something interesting." Harry says while shrugging his shoulders. I think it is interesting.

"So your Mom has an accent then?" I ask. He nods.

"A very thick one too." I smile softly.

"Anyways, back to topic. Why don't you just go? It's good to see your family."

"Eh." Harry sips his coffee and scrunches his nose. I assume it's warm now by his face. "She wants me to bring you." His voice lowers.

"I assume you don't want me to go?" I ask. My fingers fidget in my lap.

"Isn't it too soon to meet each other's families?" Harry asks.

John met my family when we were dating for four months. That was when he never hit me. I met his Mom when we were dating for three months. His Mom is such a sweet women. I wonder what happened to her son.

"I'm not the best to ask for that." I say honestly. "I met John's Mom when we were dating for three months. He met my family when we were dating for four." His mouth opens to speak. "It's fine if you don't want me to meet your family yet."

"It's not that." Harry mumbles. "I just don't know if it's too soon."

"It's up to you." I say.

"Do you want to meet them?"

"If you asked me to go with you, I'd say yes." I say honestly. "But, like what I said, it's fine if you don't want me to meet them." I repeat.

"Can I get back to you?" I chuckle and nod. "Anyways, what would you like for breakfast?"

"I can pick up something later at the diner. You don't have to feed me." I say. His eyebrows furrow.

"Your shift isn't until two in the afternoon. It's eight in the morning. Why would I let you starve?"

"I just don't want you to feel obligated to offer me things." I ramble.

"It's not a problem." His eyes meet mine. "What would you like?"

"Uh," I pause. "Cereal?"

"I shall give you some cereal." He smiles but my face remains awkward. "Is honey nut Cheerios fine?"

"Yeah." I say.

He pours me a bowl of it and slides it over to me with a spoon. Harry leans over and kisses my cheek. "Stop looking uncomfortable." He says with a soft chuckle. I smile weakly. I still feel bad that he I am eating something that he bought. I guess over time I've grown to be uncomfortable with everything.


Harry had to take a phone call that was important.

In the mean time I sit on his couch and turn on the TV. I'm curious to see what's on.

His TV is very HD, which is different for me. I'm at my apartment my television is sometimes blurry. It's a box TV that I don't think are sold anymore. It was the only thing I could afford.

Doug sits on his dog bed on the floor and gnaws on his bone that is nearly gone.

"Whatcha watching?" His voice startles me, making me jump slightly and turn off the TV. "Oh sorry for scaring you." I hear Harry chuckle.

He walks over to me and sits down. "I'm sorry." I say. His eyebrows furrow.


"Turning on the TV without asking if I can watch it. I was curious and-" Harry cuts me off.

"You don't have to apologise, Eve." His thumb rubs my lower back. "It's fine, turn on the TV whenever you'd like. You don't have to ask me." He says.

"Are you sure?" I ask timidly.

"Of course." He leans in and kisses me. It's a soft peck that makes my body less tense. Harry takes the remote resting beside me and turns on the TV. He goes to his Netflix account so we can resume American Horror Story. We're only two episodes away from finishing the season.

It starts to rain outside. The sound distracts me a little.

As we watch the show I feel his hand rest on my lap. My eyes look down at his open hand I interlock mine with his. I feel his lips kiss my temple.

My head rests on his side as we watch the show. Every once and a while his thumb will draw small circles on my skin or brush over my knuckles.



Should Eve meet his family??

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