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I wait behind the dessert bar looking around the restaurant.

"Hello." A peppy voice says beside me. I look and see Kristin. I call her Kris.

"Hi." I murmur. My eyes go to her.

"How's your day?"

"Eh." It's late January now and Harry and I are still going out on dates. I believe we've been on six dates now. We haven't kissed, which I don't mind considering we're taking it slow. Occasionally he'll kiss my cheek or hold my hand. That's only sometimes though. "You?" I ask.

"I'm great." Her voice is peppy. My eyes look to the diner's front door where I hear the bell ring. It's an older women and her husband I assume. "Still paranoid about John?" I hear my friend since college ask.

"No." I mutter. I walk away to the kitchen and see if table four's food is ready.

"Then why did you look at the door so fast?" Kris asks me. Her voice questioning. "It's okay if you are."

"No it's not." I say. "I shouldn't be paranoid of an ex boyfriend of mine of nearly a year ago. I've moved on from him." I say.

I look to Kris who has bright green eyes and dyed black hair with her brown roots coming through. Her lips have a ruby red shade of lipstick on them.

"Does your new boyfriend know about John?"

"I don't have a new boyfriend. I'm just seeing someone." I correct. "And no, he doesn't. It's not really the most exciting thing to talk about."

"Eve take table seven!" I hear my manager call. I huff to myself and grab a notepad resting on the counter. I walk over to table seven and see Harry and Liam.

"Oh look who it is." Liam says with a soft grin. I smile back politely.

"Orange juice?" I ask Liam who nods. It's eight o'clock in the morning and it's usually the second busiest part of the day. Diner is the most hectic here.

"Yep." He smiles softly. I look to Harry.

"Black coffee?" I say. He nods and I turn my heel and walk away.

Before I grab their drinks I go into the kitchen to check up on the food for my other tables.

What makes me flinch and eyes screw shut is the sound of pots and pan crashing onto the floor.


"Eve can you do anything fucking right?!" John screams at me making my eyes sting.

"I forgot a pan." I say back to my boyfriend who is raising his voice at me. He went to work and asked me to do the dishes when I got back home from my shift at the book store. I didn't argue of course. I'd be stupid too.

I did the dishes and forgot the ones on the stove, again. I always do.

Now he's home from work, and he is yelling at me for it. He seems more upset than usual.

"One pan? You mean three fucking pans!" First he bangs the pots against the counter which makes me flinch. Then he takes one pan in his hand and throws it to the wall beside me making my eyes screw shut. I hear the other two pots follow. My hands begin to shake. "You're so fucking worthless it's sad!" Tears brim my eyes.

John walks over to me making me bite my lip. I step backwards out of fear. "Now you're crying like a little fucking baby. How pathetic of you." His hand grips my forearm roughly making my mouth part open in pain.

"I'm sorry." I manage to say through the tears rolling down my cheeks. A lump is in my throat.

"You're not fucking sorry you useless cunt. You never fucking are!" His hand hits my cheek making me stumble back. His hands push me into the wall he threw the pans at and my jaw begins to tremble. His finger tips dig into my skin making me cry harder.

"John please you're hurting me." I mange to say through a tremble of pain. His fingers dig into me more making me cry louder and close my eyes.

"Maybe then you'll learn to do what you're fucking told." He spits to me.

"I'm sorry, please just stop." I beg. A throbbing pain is in my cheek.

"Take off your pants." He says. His voice deep and cold.

"No, please-" I cry harder.

His hand hits my cheek again making my hands become more shaky and my breaths become ridged.

"Take them off now you fucking whore." His hand grips my throat making my body tremble in his touch.

His brown eyes meet mine for a brief moment and I do what I'm told.

*End of Flashback*

"Eve." I feel someone shake me. I move away from that person's touch and open my eyes and see Kris. Her eyebrows knot and my breaths are sharp. "Go sit down, you don't look well."

Her hand rests on my lower back.

"I have t-tables a-and--" My friend cuts me off.

"I'll cover for you, please just sit." I nod hesitantly and sit down at a booth. My head goes into my arms and I cry to myself.

I hate that I allowed myself to stay when I should've left sooner.

I hate that I justified his behaviour because he always said he was nothing without me.

A body slips beside me in the booth and I don't look to see who it is.

I just feel a strong pair of arms wrap around me and a head rest on top of mine. "Just take deep breaths." I hear Harry's voice say against me. I hold onto his forearm tightly sob.



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