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Harry POV {Senior Year of High School}

It's been a few weeks since Jane has her first doctors appointment. She is in fact pregnant, and she's two, almost three months along. The baby should be born in October.

Since then, both our parents have tried reaching out to us. Jane responded to her Father a few days after he called. I expected that considering they've always been close and they have that type of relationship. He said he was sorry for what he said to us and how he wishes us both the best and wants to part of the child's life. I know Jane was happy to hear that from her Father.

For me, well, I haven't talked to my Mom.

What she said to me hurt. When she was mad at me in the past, she never said those type of things, or hit me.

Jane and I live in a one bedroom apartment near our school. The rent is 1300 a month and we can afford it with both our job money combined.

Every week I see money in our mailbox and it's from my Mother and Robin. It's for rent, and appointments.

I never use it. It's just piling up. Jane knows they give us money, she thinks I use it, when I don't. I know she feels bad that I pay for a lot of our living, but I don't mind.

I'm at work today. Jane is at home, she isn't working until tomorrow.

I'm helping my uncle fix a car. He sometimes pops into the shop to help out.

"Have you talked to your Mom?" Uncle Seth brings up. I shrug my shoulders at the question.

"No." I mutter.

"Why not?"

"Because I don't want to talk to her." He huffs. "People say stuff they don't mean all the time."

"She compared me to your brother." I say to my Uncle. "Then she had the nerve to say I never cared about her happiness. Who goes all out for Mother's Day or her birthday every year? Me. Gemma just gets her a gift card but I do everything nice because I know she works her ass being a single Mom. I've always done stuff for her around the house, so she could go out every so often with her friends."

"She was upset that you got her new husband's daughter pregnant Harry. I would be mad too."

"Thanks for taking my side." I retort sarcastically. I wipe my hands with the towel beside me.

"I'm just saying you get one Mom in this world."

"Great. Maybe next time she shouldn't slap me and tell me not to call her Mom anymore." I spit.

"I told her I would try." He says.

"Anything else?" I ask.

"Have you been using the money she's been giving you?"

"No." I say.

"Stubborn just like Des." I hear him say.

"Anything else that fucking reminds you of him?" I slam the tool box shut.


"No. I don't want to hear how I'm like the Father I never had. He left, as a new wife and new kids. That's that. I wish everyone would stop comparing me to him like we're best buddies."

"I'm sorry. It just slipped up." I know my Uncle Seth and him talk, and sometimes see each other. I hear them on the phone a lot when I visit him or work at his food store.

I go back to working and ignore the thoughts rushing through my head.


We graduated high school a month ago.

It's July now and we're at our apartment relaxing.

Jane starts at PACE in the winter and I start at Columbia University in the winter as well.

Columbia only has a six percent acceptance rate and it's been my dream school since I could remember. I got in on a scholarship that pays 75 percent of my fees for all four years, which I was excited about.

Jane is five months along and we find out the gender of the baby soon. I want and girl and she wants a boy.

I haven't talked to my Mother. I don't care how petty I sound because of it.

"How are you feeling?" I ask her.

"Eh. I'm tired. What about you?" Her fingers play with mine.

"I'm swell." She smiles at my words. I lean in and kiss her. "How's the baby?"

"Good. He or she kicks sometimes." Jane tells me, making me smile.

"All good things." I murmur. "I picked up some more hours at the auto shop during the week."

"Okay." She murmurs. "I was thinking about getting more shifts at the restaurant and book store."

"No, don't. I don't want you to be working so hard." I say.

"I need to help somehow." Jane says. Her brown eyes meet mine.

"You're doing enough." I kiss her cheek.



"In the future do you think we can get a pug?" She asks out of no where. "When we have our own house, with a backyard and a white fence, I want a pug to go with it."

"You already planned out our future house?"

"Yep." She smiles gently. "Do you like pugs?"

"I've always wanted one." I twirl her hair around my fingertips.

"They're cute and I want one." I laugh.

"I applied for an internship at a publishing office. If I get picked to be an intern it can lead to big bucks." I hum.

"Oh, fancy." I smile at her words. Her face nuzzles into my chest. "I'm proud of you, and I hope you know that." My girlfriend murmurs against my chest. That makes my heart warm.

"Thank you." I say. I am trying to do everything I should be doing for our situation. "I love you."

"I love you more Harry." I stroke her hair and close my eyes for a few moments.


Just a kind of "filler" chapter on some of their past.

Time line for chapters:

Next one) time jump
One after) explains what happened
Chapter after that) Eve POV

Please bare with me !!


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