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"Can you talk to me?" I say to Harry. My hand tugs him back.

He turns around and looks at me. His eyes look into mine and they look tired but soft.

"Hello." He answers. I huff and roll my eyes at his answer.

"Why are you being so cold to me?" I ask.

"I'm tired."

"This morning it was because you didn't want to be late to work, now it's because you're tired." Harry remains silent and just stares at me. "Is it because I'm living here?"

"No, it's not that." Harry says almost instantly. 

"Then what?" I ask. "I'm tired of this back and forth shit." I finally say.

"I'm just in a funk today, I'll be fine tomorrow." Harry dismisses. His eyes look away from me.

"Why are you in a funk? You were fine until we kissed for more than five seconds this morning." He keeps silent and runs his hand through his curls. "Am I that much of a horrible kisser that you have to be in a funk the rest of the day?"

"No, it has nothing to do with you." 

I really love his bland answers.

"Okay then tell me why you were in a fucking mood all day." I say, my voice raising. "I'm so tired of this shit. We move forward as a couple then we take fifty steps back and it's exhausting. Why can't you be more open with me? Or why can't you kiss me for more than two seconds?"

His eyes meet mine and this tongue pokes through his cheek a little. I wait for him to respond but he doesn't. He looks like he wants to say something but he doesn't.

"You're acting like a child." I  finally say. He looks away from my eye contact and tugs his hand through his curls that were falling to his forehead.

"I'm just tired, Eve. Leave me be."

"Should I bake you some fucking cookies then so you're not in a funk tomorrow?" I retort. "All day you've been pushing me to the side like I'm garbage. Just because you're rich and a big, fancy CEO, it doesn't mean you get to treat me like a peasant or even expect that I'd be okay with you ignoring me."

"I'm not treating you like a peasant." Harry scoffs. His eyes scowl at me making me more angry.

"Is that the only thing you got out of what I said?" My eyes widen. 

"No, I heard the rest. I'm just saying I don't treat you like that." 

"You have today." I respond. "Just tell me what's wrong and I'll stop bugging you and leave you be." I mimic. 

"Why do you like to mimic me so much?" His eyes narrow at me.

"Because you're being a jackass today." I answer. His eyes roll at my comment. 

Harry doesn't say anything. 

He just walks away. 

Fucking walks away without a word. 

I follow behind him and see he's placing his coat and brief case on the mattress. He turns around and faces me. His lips open to speak but he closes it.

"Just say it." I snap with wide eyes. My hand tugs through my hair.

"I'm falling in love with you and I don't know what to do about it." Harry says. His green eyes meet mine and they look tense and worried. 

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