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August 3rd has come faster than I expected.

I packed my clothes for the week we're going away. It's 5:30 in the morning and I'm exhausted. I never wake up this early.

Harry looks fine though, which is odd. He doesn't look tired at all. Then there is me yawning every ten minutes.

Liam will be watching Doug for us while we're away. I would ask Kris, but she easily forgets things and Doug is very scheduled.

"Are you ready to go?" Harry asks me. I make sure I have everything I need for the week.

"Yes." I reply. His eyes meet mine.

"Do you need to pee before we leave? There are no rest stops on the drive." Harry tells me. I chuckle.

"I don't need to pee." I say. His eyes narrow and question me. "I need to pee. I'll be right back." I say. He laughs and I shake my head.

I walk to the bathroom and try not to think about how nervous I am about meeting his family.


We're in front of his apartment building and a fancy black SUV pulls up. The car has tinted windows all throughout. My head tilts and my eyes look to Harry.

The driver tips his head at us and opens the trunk and puts our stuff in. "Are you that lazy that you can't drive yourself?" I ask my boyfriend.

"I'm not lazy. I just like showing up in style." My head shakes.

"Having someone drive you is showing up in style?"

"Yes." Harry grins. "Richard will be our driver throughout our trip."

"How fun." I say.

"Ready to go Mr. Styles?" The driver, Richard asks.

"Yep." Harry opens the door to the back seat and nods his head toward the car, indicating he wants me to get in first. I do.

The car inside is comfortable looking. The seats are like the ones in Harry's BMW, which is a leather that is soft and comfortable.

Once Harry closes the door Richard asks if we're all ready to go. Harry answers with a simple 'yes'. Soon the car starts moving.

"I forgot to tell you something." Harry says to me. His voice is low.

"What is it?" I ask.

"My step dad is Jane's Dad." My eyes widen.


"It's a long story, but no we did not grow up with each other or know our parents were a couple when we were dating." Harry explains briefly. He answers all the questions I had in one shot.

"So, I'm going to meet the father of your wife?"

"Technically, my ex wife." Harry says.

"I didn't want to be rude and say ex wife because I don't know what you say to describe her now, you know?" I ramble briefly.

"I get what you're saying." His hand rests on top of mine.

"Is me going, going to make him uncomfortable?" I ask timidly.

"No, he wants to meet you." My eyebrows furrow. "Don't stress, okay?"

"I'll try." I murmur. A yawn soon escapes my lips and my tiredness catches up with me.

"Take a nap." Harry tells me. "I'll wake you up when we get there."

"You sure?" I ask. Harry nods.

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