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Harry POV

"Hello." I hear a voice say to me. I look up from my desk and see Liam. A peppy smile on his lips and his hand runs through his newly cut brown hair.

"Hi." I reply. I put what I need for the night into my brief case.

It's January now.

It seems like time has gone by fast. For years it's been slow and it's odd now to see a difference. It only felt like days since September.

"What are you doing for the night?" My friend asks me as I'm packing up. He leans against my desk and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Probably going to visit Doug." I answer.

"Eve's dog?" Liam questions. I nod. My friend chuckles.

"What's funny?" I ask curiously.

"Why do you want to visit her dog?" Liam asks with an amused smile.

"Every Thursday I usually do." I say. He laughs again. "What's funny about that?" I ask, my voice not humorous like his.

"Nothing." He dismisses.

"No, tell me." I say. I walk over to my couch in here that has my papers scattered on it.

"I think you like Eve more than a friend." I shrug my shoulders. "And I know the stages of when you like a girl Harry. Since October you've been showing them." I roll my eyes at his comment.

"I do not like Eve." I say simply.

"Some guy was talking to her in the parking lot  the other day and you looked angry; come to find out it was a sales guy and you had that 'oh damn' face."

"I was worried he was going to do something to her."

"In broad daylight?" Liam questions, his head tilting. "Why are you making excuses? There is nothing wrong with liking her."

"Why would I make excuses Liam?" I ask. "I see her as a friend."

"No you don't. You guys schedule out shit to do every week. You're practically dating."

"We're not dating." I scoff. "She's Eve. Common, Eve. She dresses like she shops at Good Will, she is annoying and pushy sometimes; she is too sarcastic and rude towards me, especially at work where I want to be serious. Overall she's not my type. Eve doesn't wear any makeup at work, so she always looks tired, she dresses like she's still in high school and not like someone her age. If I wanted a girlfriend I would want someone that looks like a women, not a girl.

The only reason why I got her the dog was because I felt bad she's too poor to get him. I'm a CEO, she works at a diner. Why would I want to be with someone who will be homeless in nearly a year?" I blurt out random shit. My voice is slightly tense.

"Harry." Liam states. His voice is tense and scolding.

"What?" I ask. My voice raising.  My eyes break away from my packing and I look to see Eve standing timely near the wall in my office.

Oh fuck.


Short chapter :/


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