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I wake up to Doug licking my face. I laugh a little and open my eyes and see my pug looking at me. He licks my cheek then lays down beside me.

I look over to Harry's side of the bed and see he isn't there. He probably went for a jog, or went to the gym.

"Are you hungry Doug?" I ask my dog. I rub his ears and kiss the top of his head.

It's been a week since everything with John happened.

Within this past week I've been trying to get back into the groove of things with my internship and job at the diner.

I have a feeling Nate will be the intern that stays, which I understand, but that means I'll have to find another job soon.

The police officers informed us John will be in jail for multiple crimes he's committed, like breaking an entering different amount of times.

I get out of bed and head to the kitchen. I see Harry at the counter with his laptop. He's still wearing his pyjama's but looks concentrated. A cup of coffee is next to his laptop and I don't disturb him.

I just grab Doug's food and start making it as quietly as I can.

"I'm doing bills Eve, you don't have to tip toe around me." I hear Harry say. I turn around and face him.

"You just look busy." I say. I put Doug's food on the floor.

"I'm not." He closes the lid of his laptop and sips his coffee.

"What time did you get up?" I ask curiously. I pour myself a cup of coffee.

"Around six." It's nine now.

I nod. "At one, I'm going to be at the Foster centre." I say. "If you want to go with me that would be cool."

"I'll see, I have some stuff to do."

"You just said you weren't busy." I say with gentle smile. "I get it, you don't want to be seen helping some children and teenagers more than twice a year even though it would help your business." His eyebrow raises at me and his tongue pokes through his cheek.

I just sip my coffee and smile against the mug. "I was there more then twice this year." Harry says to me.

"Hm, what three times?" I ask.

"Six." He corrects.

"How thoughtful." I say. "Tomorrow I'll be working at the dog shelter if you wanted to go to that instead." Tomorrow is Sunday.

"I'll see." I huff.

"I'll see." I mimic. His head shakes.

"It's not nice to mimic people."

"Sorry Mr. Styles." I give him a smug smile.

"Will you ever let that go?" Harry asks me.

"Nope." I hum. "I like reminding you how much you were a dick."

"I wasn't a dick. I was trying to be professional."

"That worked well." I say with a soft chuckle. I place my empty mug in the sink and look to Harry who's staring at me.

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