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I kept Anna company as she cooked dinner. It also kept my mind off of things.

She's an interesting person to talk to. She was 16 and pregnant and her parents kicked her out of the house. She told me they were very religious and didn't like how she had sex before marriage. Anna ended up marrying the guy that knocked her up at 16, but that's not the point.

I always find it interesting learning about peoples lives.

"How did you start working as Harry's cook?" I ask Anna curiously.

"Him, Jane, and their daughter were at a restaurant and I was the head chef there. The waitress for their table told me they wanted to talk to me. I thought something was wrong with the food. So, I go over to their table and he offers me a job to cook for their family. Later I found out that they both didn't have time to cook for themselves, which is understandable, they're busy people. Anyways, I got paid very well at the restaurant and told him that. Harry said he'll pay me triple of what they pay me and I'll be under their health insurance. I'll only be their private chef. And I've been here ever since."

"I can see him doing that." I say making her smile.

"I'm not complaining. I enjoy cooking for him, he isn't picky." I smile softly. "Neither are you, you guys are a good bunch."

"I eat whatever you make for him."

"He's very scheduled, so he tells me what he wants me to cook for the whole week."

"Are you being serious?" I ask.

"Yep." She chuckles. "So every Monday I go food shopping for the week, so I have everything."

"So you come here at six in the morning to make breakfast, then six at night for dinner?" I ask.

"Yep. And I also pack his lunch in the morning." I laugh. "That sounded more kiddish then it did in my head." I grin.

"Does he have a lunch box?" I giggle. She nods and we both laugh.

"You guys go out once a week so I don't make lunch for him then." Anna tells me. She stirs whatever is in the pot.

I hear the front door close making my teeth pick the skin in my mouth. I soon see Harry come into the kitchen. "Hello." Harry greets.

"Hi." I murmur.

"Dinner is almost ready. Take a seat." Anna says with a wide smile. I love how nice and happy she is.

Harry sits beside me and smiles softly. His hand rests on my knee. "How are you feeling?" He asks me. His voice is low and his eyes look into mine.

"Okay, you?" I ask.

"I'm fine." He grins softly. "I grabbed the manuscripts you need to work on for tomorrow." Harry informs me.

"Thank you." I say. He just nods.

"Do you know what kind of car John has?" Harry asks me. He sips the water from the glass in front of him.

"From what I remember it was a grey 2013 Honda civic. Why?"

"There is a grey Honda civic parked across the street." He mumbles and my heart begins to race.

"Are you being serious?" I ask. My voice turns shaky.

"Yeah." Harry murmurs. "Just don't go by the window in the living room. If the car is there in the morning I'll call security." I nod. I feel his lips touch my cheek.

Now I'm thinking about where else John has been watching me. I wonder how long he has been stalking me as well.

Anna places our dinner in front of us. "Thank you." Harry and I both say at the same time. She smiles at us.

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