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Harry POV {Senior Year of High School}

As you can assume, Jane and I haven't told our parents about us. Our parents meaning, her Dad and my Mom.

We kind of grown distant towards each other since it would be weird if we were together. I don't want our relationship to be creepy. Just the thought that Jane is my step sister makes me cringe. When we're together I forget about that though. I just focus on how happy she makes me feel and how much I want to hold her.

We only talk to each other when no one is home, which is a lot. Mike, Jane's younger brother who is 12, is always out doing sports or hanging out with friends.

Usually after school is when we hangout. Jane and I don't really kiss or touch, knowing it's weird now, when it shouldn't.

I just want us to be a normal couple. Not all of this shit. I don't think we're even a couple, more like friends now that kiss each other's cheeks and semi hug like friends do.

I'm walking upstairs getting ready to do my homework when I hear a sob from the bathroom.

My eyebrows furrow. No one is home besides Jane.

I knock on the door and say, "Is everything alright?" There is no reply besides her crying which makes my heart ache.

I open the door slowly and peep my head in. She's on the floor crying into her hands. Her back is against the bathroom wall. I walk over to Jane and sit down beside her. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?" I ask in a panic.

I look beside her body and see a pregnancy test. My heart automatically falls and my stomach twists. "Are you-" I just see her nod against her hands.

Her brown eyes look to me and I see the sadness written on her face. "It's yours if you're wondering." Jane manages to say.

"We used a condom." I murmur.

"Obviously the condom broke." Jane spits to me.

"Why are you yelling at me?" I ask raising my voice.

"Because I'm fucking pregnant!" Her eyes widen. "I just turned 18 I can't be a mother." She says like it's obvious.

"So you want an abortion?" I ask timidly.

"I don't know what I want Harry." She says. Her voice still remains harsh. "All I know is that I have to tell my Dad I'm pregnant with your child. How the hell will that go? They'll think I've been sleeping with you since they were married."

"I can-" Jane cuts me off.

"No, don't anything." I bite down on my jaw.

"Stop blaming me." I say. "I understand you're fucking mad but this isn't all my fault. We didn't have to have sex, you could have said no and I would've respected that. It's not all my fault so don't do that to me." I say. My eyes sting. "You're not the only one who is not ready to be a parent, Jane. You're not the only one who is going to have to tell their parent that you're pregnant. We both have to tell them not just one of us." I say.

Silence falls for a few moments.

"I'm scared." She says. Her voice shaky and sad. I pull her into my chest and let her sob into me. Her hands grip my shirt and I rub her lower back with my thumb. "I'm sorry for snapping I-"

"It's okay." I say. I kiss the top of her head. "We need a plan. What do you want to do?" I ask her.

"I'm all for pro choice because it's not my business what other women want to do. Being in the position now is different. I don't want to make this decision. I just applied t-to colleges and I'm about to graduate high school. How can I be a Mom? But I don't want to wonder what this child would look like or be like." She says aloud to me.

I never had a Dad.

I don't know how to be one. I haven't been around little kids enough to know what to do with them. I always wanted kids though. Knowing that Jane is pregnant with my child is nerve racking though, in a good and bad way.

"I'll support whatever you want to do Jane." I say honestly.

"It isn't just my child. It's yours too. What do you want?" She asks timidly.

"I don't want my preference to persuade yours." I tell her.

"Please tell me."

"I want you to keep it." I say softly.

"You do?" She sounds surprised. I nod against her. Her grip on me becomes tighter. "I wouldn't have to do this alone?" My heart stings. She thought I would leave her and not be there for her?

"Of course not." I say. "You'll have me." I stroke her brown hair.

"So we're keeping it?" She clarifies.

"Yeah." We both let that sink in. "Now the hardest part is telling them."

"Yeah." Jane murmurs sadly. "Harry?"


"I love you."

"I love you more." I kiss her cheek.



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Next chapter will be them telling their parents fyi


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