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I went to bed last night in a hoodie and pyjama pants. I was really cold and I don't know why.

My body is by the edge of the mattress. My head is on the very corner of the pillow I'm using as well.

"Eve, you're about to fall off of the bed." I hear Harry's voice say. It's low and raspy.

Maybe if I fall I'll have some sense knocked into me.

I move a little away from the edge of the bed and stare at the white sheets I'm laying on.

I feel his warm body press against my back and his arm drape around me. "You're still very close to falling." He observes.

"I'll live." I mumble softly.

"Are you still beating yourself up for yesterday?"

"No." I lie.

"Okay." He murmurs against me. "Would you like to go out for breakfast today?" A yawn leaves my lips. I lay down on my back. My eyes look to Harry. "What time did you go to bed?"

"I don't know. I couldn't fall asleep until late. Maybe five." I say sadly. His head tilts. "I forgot my sleeping pills at ho--your uh apartment." I say. "I'll be fine, I just need like three cups of coffee." His thumb strokes my cheek.

He leans down to kiss me but I move my head to the side. "Why can't I kiss you? Are you mad at me?" I remain silent.

The reason why I didn't want to be in a relationship with anyone is because of the fact I'll become doubtful of myself again. When I wasn't with Harry I was much more--me. Now I feel like if I do one thing wrong I'll be hated. I slowly feel myself becoming a push over again because I'm scared of everything.

"I'm sorry." I hear him say. My eyes look back at Harry who's hovered over me. 

"For?" I ask.

"Everything." He murmurs. "I'm going to try more with our relationship because I don't to lose you." His fingers play with mine. "I'm sorry for not being the best boyfriend. I'll try more, okay?" 

"You said that before." I find myself saying.

"I mean it now though. I need to step up." I graze my teeth over my bottom lip and eventually nod. "I'm sorry for not being the boyfriend you need." His lips kiss my forehead.

I wonder what made him suddenly think all of this. 

"Are you okay?" I ask him. Harry snickers and lays down beside me. 

"Yes, I'm fine. Are you okay? You're dressed like it's winter." I release a chuckle.

"I was cold last night."

"I could've turned on the heat." Harry tells me.

"You seemed comfortable." His head shakes. 

"But I don't want you to freeze to death." He tells me with a slight chuckle. "You haven't had trouble sleeping in a while. What changed? Is it because you aren't in your own bed?"

"I sleep fine at your place. So I don't think it has something to do with where I am." I murmur. 

"What was your dream?" Harry asks.

"I don't have dreams." I say honestly. His eyebrows furrow.


"Not in a long time." I admit. I wipe my eyes and let out a yawn. 

"Did you want to try to go back to bed?" 

"No. I tried." I murmur. 

"So, is that a yes for breakfast?" Harry asks. I chuckle.

"Is your family coming with us?" I ask.

"I thought it could just be us." His hand rests on my lower back. "Couple bonding." 

"Or do you not want to be around them?"

"Both." He pecks my lips. "It's supposed to be 92 degrees out today so you can't wear a hoodie." Harry remarks. We both sit up. 

"Very funny." I pull my hair into a messy bun. "Jeans?"

"Do you want a heat stroke?" His eyebrow raises. "Wear shorts." 

"I suppose." I sigh. We both get out of bed and go to our suitcases to grab out clothes. 

I pick out a tee shirt and shorts. I'll probably look homeless, but it's okay. 


I convinced Harry to let his family come to breakfast with us. Personally, I think they're nice. I don't know why he complains about them.

We sit at a long table at IHop. Harry sits next to me and Gemma's son, Robbie sits beside me. Harry's hand rests on my thigh and his thumb draws circles on my skin.

"Long night?" Gemma questions me.

"Huh?" I ask. She smirks and look to Harry who shakes his head.

"Very appropriate Gem." His sister has a smug smile.

"Oh, no." I say quickly. She starts laughing. Do I look that tired? I did put on concealer so I didn't look that bad. 

"Hey, as long as I can't hear it." Harry hasn't even seen me naked or get dressed. The thought of us having sex is funny because we aren't ever intimate like that. Do I have to worry about that too? I feel like in general as a couple, we're so behind with everything. I give him props for sticking to us staying slow though.

"Thanks Gem." Harry says while shaking his head. 

I feel a finger tap my wrist. I look to Robbie who smiles softly. "Do you have games on your phone?" 

I smile gently. "I do." I take out my phone. I unlock my it and go to my games folder. During my lunch I get really bored. "Here ya go." I say to Gemma's son.

"Thank you." He says with a wide smile that shows his dimples. I just nod and look back to Harry who has his eyes burning on me. A small goes on his pink lips and he looks back forward.


last update of the night 

ty for reading still!


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