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It's Friday night and Harry and I are in bed relaxing.

Tomorrow evening is when we're going to his Mom's house for dinner. I told Harry we didn't have to go, since he never wanted to in the first place. But Gemma already told her kids that he's going and he doesn't want to disappoint them.

It's been a week since Harry surprised me with the apartment being redone. It still overwhelms me the he did all of that for me. It does make the place feel more comfortable in my opinion. It's less bland as well.

My head is on his chest and my leg is overlapped with his. My eyes are on the TV that's playing and my fingers play with Harry's.

"Can we talk?" I hear Harry asks me.

"Yeah sure," I say to him. I sit up in bed and he turns off the TV. Harry sits closely in front of me and runs his hand through his brown curls.

"So uh," He pauses for a moment. "We've been dating for a while now and we never talked about us being intimate, ever. I kind of think that maybe now is the time to talk about it?"

"You want to have sex?" I ask.

"Not right now, but soon. Maybe really soon." He rambles a little which causes me to smile. His hand rests on my knee and his fingers stroke my skin.

"You want to be with me like that?" I ask Harry.

"Why wouldn't I?" He asks me with furrowed eyebrows.

"I mean," I pause. "I've been uh, with John unwillingly," I hate saying I've been raped. It makes me feel sad and brings up how weak I let myself become in that relationship. "And I figured you wouldn't really want to be with me like that since I have been, you know."

His green eyes are soft and his face is sad. "Rape isn't sex, Eve. It's assault. You were assaulted by John who should rot in fucking hell. Knowing what you been through has never changed my view on you." I bite my lower lip. "Was John your first?"

"No," I say. "The first guy I had sex with was someone who I dated for eight months in college, freshman year. He was really kind to me and I thought he loved me like he said he did. He kind of pressured me into having sex with him since we've been dating for long and we were in college and whatever. We did it, and he broke up with me two days later and went around the whole campus and said I was the worst he's ever had," I explain briefly my first time.

"You were a virgin though. What did he expect?" I shrug my shoulders as my answer.

"My first time turned me off from sex because it was the most painful thing ever. He didn't go slow or ease himself in, as gross as that sounds. He treated me like I've done it before." I say. Harry's eyes are soft.

"He's a jackass too." His hands rest on top of mine. "Are you uncomfortable with the thought of us having sex?" He asks me timidly. His eyes look into mine and they're soft.

"No," I say. "I never found it pleasurable though, for obvious reasons. I wish I did like everyone else," I admit.

"We can start off slow," Harry offers. "Like we touch each other first then work into the real thing. I want you to be comfortable with me and I do want you to enjoy it." I bite my lip and nod.

"That sounds fine," I say to him.

I knew at some point Harry would want to have  sex. I never have flashbacks to when John was touching me. I blocked it out some how from my memory. I'm scared I'll start remembering when Harry and I have sex. I think it's good that we're going slow first though. It will make me less nervous.

"By touch each other, you mean we both, or just me?" I ask.

"Both," Harry answers. "I wouldn't just expect things from you." He tells me.

"Okay," I nod. I've never been pleasured, which makes me feel unexperienced in that sense. John always made it out to seem sex is only pleasurable for guys and it's a girls job to make sure we fill those needs for them. I didn't know I had my own sexual needs, I still don't know if I have them.

"Okay." Harry smiles softly and leans in to kiss me. His lips touch mine and his hands rest on my sides. "Was that awkward to talk about?" He asks me.

"Not really, I'd assume you'd want us to be like that soon." I say honestly.

"How so?"

"You had a boner that other day. And you've been taking a lot of cold showers lately," His face heats intensely and his eyes widen.

"How did you know about the shower part?"

"In the morning, I usually take a shower after you and it's never hot in there. It's cold," I explain.

"I thought I hide my boners well," He mumbles the word boner which makes me smile a little.



"They're noticeable," I tell him. "And sometimes I wake up and you have morning wood and it's pressed against me," I admit.

"No," His eyes widen. I nod. "Why have you never told me?"

"Because it's a normal thing that happens to males. It's like you pointing out why I have my pads under the sink," I compare.

"I thought I've been covering them up well," Harry murmurs. I shake my head.

"You haven't, but it's okay," I say. His head rests on my shoulder and I chuckle.

"I'm sorry for having my morning wood pressed against you," Harry says causing me to laugh. He releases a chuckle. "This was an interesting conversation."

"Very." I giggle. His lips touch my neck and collarbone.

Harry pulls away from my and his eyes meet mine. "I think it's quite cool we've both been with one person." His fingers play with mine. What he said makes my eyes sting and a small smile go on my lips.

I lean up and kiss him. His hands fall to my butt and my hands rest on his face. "Wanna start now?" He mumbles against my lips.

"I'm too tired," I admit with a yawn. "If you started this conversation earlier my answer possibly would've been different." He frowns playfully causing me to shake my head.

I lay down fully on our mattress and I bring the blankets to my chin and adjust my pillow. Harry cuddles into my back and kisses my shoulder.

"If you're nervous about us being like that, know I am too. I haven't done anything with anyone in nearly seven years." Harry murmurs against me.

"I guess we'll both feel like virgins then," I say to Harry who snickers a little.

"It seems so," His lips touch the back of my neck. "I love you."

"I love you too," I yawn. A few moments later I fall asleep.



It's 8 in the morning here and I didn't know what else to do in my free time besides update lol

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